How do I view my account balance?
- Log in to iPay with your User Name and Password:
- Select 'Customer Access' from 'iReceivables Account Management':

- In the 'Account Summary' column on the right side of the page, click on the 'Spectacles' icon
next to the 'All Locations' line at the top of the list. This will give you an overview of your full account transactions:

- Ensure you have selected the appropriate currency according to the currency of the invoices on account: Below the Account Summary title is a currency field. Ensure the correct currency is selected for your account. Change if necessary and click 'Go':

- Click the balance amount shown next to 'Account Balance' or select the 'Account' tab to display the current open invoices and credit memos on the account:

- You can filter the ‘Status’ drop-down options and 'Transaction Type' if required. Click 'Go':

How do I print PDF copies of my invoices and credit notes?
From the 'Account' tab, click on the transaction number within the transaction column.
Please note: do not use the tick box as this is not required.

- Click the 'Display PDF/Print' button to show the Pearson PDF version. This can be found at the top and the bottom of the screen.

You can now print the document using onscreen icons or by pressing Ctrl+P on your keyboard.
How do I print a copy of my statement?
- From the summary page, select 'Statement Download':

- Choose the 'Template' and desired 'Format' from the drop-down options, and then click 'Download':

Please note: The iPay template is different to our month-end statements received via email or post. This is perfectly normal. The advantage of the iPay statement is that the data is real-time and can also be exported to either Microsoft Excel, PDF, RTF or HTML.
- When you open the 'Preview' of the statement, you may be presented with a message about the format of the file and the preview not matching. This is normal. Click 'Yes' to continue:

- When you are prompted to save the file, change 'Save as type' to 'Excel Template'. This will ensure that you will be able to open the file once saved:

How do I view/print a summary to show different transaction types?
- From the 'Account' tab, select your transactions from the 'Status' drop-down options, ensuring you have chosen the appropriate currency (GBP, USD, or CAD):

- Choose 'All Receivables' from the transaction drop-down options. Click 'Go':

- At the very bottom of the page, below the list of invoices, choose 'All Receivable Transaction Lines' from the Template drop-down options:

- Select the desired 'Format' from dropdown options (available options are Microsoft Excel, PDF, RTF or HTML) and click 'Export'. This will download a summary which you can then print:

How can I view open payments (including those resulting from partially applied payments)
- Log in to iPay and locate the 'Account Summary' page (See steps 1-4 of the account balance process above):

- Click on the value listed as ‘Open Payments’, and this will take you to a summary of all related items:

Each line within the summary shows the payment reference & the payment date (transaction date). If the payment has been partly applied, you will also see the date those payments were applied and the original value of the payment:

An 'Open'status indicates that some, but not necessarily all, of the payments are unapplied.
- Click on the payment transaction number. This will take you to a breakdown of the payment information

Beneath your centre details, you will see a summary of:
- The total payment amount
- The amount applied
- Any residual amount which is sitting on your account (Amount on Account)

- Below the summary, you will see an itemised list of transactions. Each transaction shows any invoice or credit memo number cleared (Applied) by the payment and its values.
The summary at the bottom of this list will show the total amount remitted and any residual amount sat on your account.

- This summary can be printed or exported using the buttons in the top right corner of the page. Click 'Printable Page' to open the page in a printer-friendly layout and use Ctrl+P on your keyboard to open your printer dialogue box.

Please note: The 'Export' button will produce a downloaded file in .TSV format (Tab Separated Values). These are used to import your raw data into a database and be opened in a normal text editor.
How do I view closed payments and scrutinize how they have been applied?
- Log in to iPay and locate the 'Account Summary' page (See steps 1-4 of the account balance process):

- Select the 'Account' tab at the top of the page and select the 'Closed' drop-down option in the 'Status' field, ensuring you have the correct 'Currency' selected:

Please note: Where required, additional search filters can be applied by clicking 'Show More Search Options' before clicking 'Go':

- You will now see a summary of all closed payments that match your search criteria.
You can see the payment date, applied date, the transaction type (Invoice or Credit memo - or Multiple if the payment has been applied to several items), and their values:

5. To examine how each payment has been applied, click on the payment number and follow Steps 4-7 in How can I view open payments?.
How do I view my paid invoices?
You can find all your invoice and payment history online.
- Select the ‘Account‘ tab and change the search status to 'Closed':

- For advanced searches, you can enter a transaction number or drill down to a specific transaction type (invoices, credit memo, or payments). By clicking on 'Show More Search Options', you will be able to also search using Transaction Amounts and Dates:

- Once you have provided as much detail as required, click 'Go' to complete the search:

Will I still receive hard copies of invoices by email or post?
At this time, invoices and statements will still be sent to your billing address as held in our records.
If you believe we have an incorrect billing address or you wish to update your records, please create a case and we will respond to your query.
This is the second of three FAQ articles for iPay/iReceivables. Please use the links below to navigate other articles in the series:
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