
UCI Numbers

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TitleUCI Numbers
URL NameUCI-Numbers
What is a UCI number and how do I create one?


A Unique Candidate Identifier (UCI) is a reference that's unique to a candidate and lasts for the duration of their study career. It's used to aggregate unit results for modular exams. Without it, candidates may not be given their full results.

If a candidate transfers to your centre, you should try to obtain their UCI from their previous centre or from any results documentation they've been given. You'll need to create a UCI number for each new candidate who comes to your centre. This also applies to private candidates.

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UCI number breakdown

Each UCI number is made up of 12 digits followed by an alphabetical ‘check character’:

Character PositionDataExample 
 1–5Your centre number99999      
 6 0 (zero) for UK centres and B for international centres0 or B      
 7-8Year that the candidate enrolled09            
 9-12 The candidate number is a four-digit reference number within the range 0001–9999 and is unique to each candidate in each series, you'll need to allocate this number at your centre; your MIS software may automatically generate it.0001
 13Check character. When submitting a UCI leave this blank; our system will calculate this and return the correct check character on your statements of entry.

For more information please see here.
Candidate has more than one UCI number?

If a candidate has different UCI numbers across multiple sessions, they will need to be merged to ensure the original UCI is used at all times. Please advise a Customer Services Specialist by creating a case record which includes the below details:

  • Candidate number
  • Candidate name
  • Exam series
  • Qualification
  • Incorrect UCI number
  • Correct UCI number

If you have more than one request, please complete the UCI merge tab on this spreadsheet link and click on download to open in Excel.

Related Articles:    

Pearson Support Portal: Creating An Account
Pearson Support Portal (Staff at Centres & Associates): Creating A Case Record

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