FAQ | 
Please select from the following options:
Please note: Access to Edexcel Online is controlled by your centre's Exams Officer/Administrator. If you do not have an Edexcel Online account, please contact the Exams Officer/Administrator. Your Edexcel Online account must have the 'Results' and 'T-Level Access' profile options selected to view T Levels results.
Accessing T Level results
1. To sign in, please go to https://edexcelonline.pearson.com; you will be asked to enter your usual Edexcel Online (EOL) credentials, and once you click sign in, a verification code will be sent to the Pearson Authenticator app. For further information, including downloading the app to your mobile device and using it to complete the sign-in process. Please see Pearson Portal Authenticator for details.
2. You will see the Pearson application portal home page. Click on the 'My Apps' option:
 3. You will then see various Pearson apps; apps are linked to your EOL permissions, i.e., you will only see the T Level apps if you have that option ticked in your Edexcel Online (EOL) account profile.
The T Level results portal can be accessed in two ways:
1. Click on the 'T Level Results' tile; you will be taken directly to the T Level results portal; please see instructions from step 5:
 2. Or click on the 'Edexcel Online' tile:
 3. You will then be directed to the EOL home page:
 4. Select 'T Level Results' from the options available on the left side of the page:
 5. You will then see the T Level Results portal. If your centre has multiple sites listed on Edexcel Online, click on the magnifying glass symbol located in the upper right-hand corner of the page:
 6. This will bring up the 'Select centre' box, search for the relevant site, select the site name/centre number:
 7. Once on the required site, you will see the following results options:
Results by series
1. Select 'Results by series' from the options shown.
Please note: the current exam series will be automatically selected, and all T Level qualifications the centre has entries for will be displayed:
 Please note: If the current exam series is not selected, you will see the following message:
 2. Click the 3 dots next to the subject you would like to view results for:  3. If you selected 'View units', please follow the guidance below. If you selected 'View learners', click here to skip forward.
View units - further instructions:
1. When you select 'View units', you will see units with results available for the subject. In addition, you can see the number of learners that have entries for each unit in this exam series: 2. Click on the 3 dots and then select 'View units' on the component you wish to see results for.
 3. Once you have located the unit component you wish to view, click on the 3 dots. Select 'View tests' or skip forward to 'View learners':
 4. Click the 3 dots on the test unit record, then select 'View learners':
 5. You will see an overall mark; click the 3 dots on the learner record, then select 'View learner results' to see results for individual components:
 6. You can now see the whole record with units for the selected learner:
 7. Click the arrow (>) next to each item to expand each area. Raw marks, total UMS scores and overall grades will be displayed.
Results are available for the core component unit, the core set project unit and the core exam unit.
Please note that these results are for the Pearson components and NOT the overall T Level qualification result:
8. This page will show the maximum marks available and the number of marks achieved by each learner:
 | Please note: the marks shown are the raw marks before they have been converted to UMS marks for the unit.
The raw mark is the number of marks a learner achieved on an exam or assessment.
The UMS mark (Uniform Mark Scale mark) is a conversion of the raw mark.
View learners- further instructions:
If you selected 'View learners', you can follow the guidance below. If you selected 'View units', click here to go back to the start of the previous instruction: 1. When you select 'View learners', you will see each learner entered for the subject listed. You can see the number of learners that have entries in this exam series. Click on the 3 dots on the right side of the required learner, and select 'View Learner Results':  2. You can now see the whole record for the selected learner, with the units taken grouped beneath:  3. Click the arrow (>) next to each item to expand each area. Raw marks, total UMS scores and overall grades will be displayed. Results are available for the core component unit, the core set project unit and the core exam unit. Please note that these results are for the Pearson components and NOT the overall T Level qualification result:  4. This page will show the maximum marks available and the number of marks achieved by each learner:
 | Please note: the marks shown are the raw marks before they have been converted to UMS marks for the unit.
The raw mark is the number of marks a learner achieved on an exam or assessment.
The UMS mark (Uniform Mark Scale mark) is a conversion of the raw mark. |
Results by learner
1. Select the 'Results by learner' option at the top of the screen:
 2. You search for learners using any of the following methods:
- Learner ID (any of the following can be used in this field):
- Learner ID
- Learner reference
- Forenames/Surname
If you wish to see all learners entered within a centre, typing LL- in the Learner ID field will display all learners entered at the centre
The advanced search options allow you to search by:
- Date of birth
- Qualification
- Subject
in additional to using the top search options this will display all learner matching the additional criteria.
Using the available options, please make sure that the most recent 'Exam Series' is selected. The qualification will only show as 'T level' You can also set the subject and then click 'Search':
 3. Once the learner appears, click the 3 dots, then select 'View learner results':  4. You can now see the whole record for the selected learner, with the units taken grouped below:
 5. Click the arrow (>) next to each item to expand each area. Raw marks, total UMS scores and overall grades will be displayed.
Results are available for the core component unit, the core set project unit and the core exam unit.
Please note that these results are for the Pearson components and NOT the overall T Level qualification result:  6. This page will show the maximum marks available and the number of marks achieved by each learner:
 | Please note: the marks shown are the raw marks before they have been converted to UMS marks for the unit. The raw mark is the number of marks a learner achieved on an exam or assessment.
The UMS mark (Uniform Mark Scale mark) is a conversion of the raw mark. |
Results documents
On Results Days, documents are not automatically sent to your EOL mailbox; please see the following instructions.
1. Select the 'Results documents' option at the top of the screen:
 2. Select the current series and T-Level qualification.
Please note: there will be no previous series documents available as these have previously been sent to EOL mailboxes. If you have had registrations for a previous series, you will see this warning message:
 If you did not have any previous registrations and you select a previous series, you will receive this error message:
 3. Available report/download options:
Broadsheet (csv) contains all results for all learners including the overall subject grade, UMS, maximum and raw marks Statement of Results (zip) contains all candidate statements of provisional results and backstreets. The backsheet explains what the statement includes and general grading information
 4. Selecting the 'Broadsheet (csv)' option will download the report immediately to your device. If you do not see the download, please ensure pop-ups have been allowed on your device for this site:
 5. Selecting the 'Statement of Results (zip)' option will download a zipped immediately to your device: If you do not see the download, please ensure pop-ups have been allowed on your device for this site:
Back to T Levels: Support Index Back to Results, Post-Results & Appeals index page. |