When did you start your qualification and is your education centre still open?
Less than 5 years and the centre is still open:
If it has been less than 5 years since you started your qualification you should return to your school or college. Your centre will hold your records for up to 5 years and will be able to request your certificate from Pearson.
More than 5 years or the centre is closed:
If it has been more than 5 years since you started your qualification or your centre has closed, you will need to apply for an official replacement document. This official document outlines your achievements within the qualification and is recognised by employers and education centres as a valid certificate.
You can apply for an official replacement document here.
If you completed your studies but did not receive your certificate because your centre closed before providing it to you, please create a new case record so one of our Learner Support Specialists can investigate.
For additional information on the services we offer to replace your original certificate if it's been lost or misplaced, click here.
Related Articles:
Pearson Support Portal: Creating An Account
Pearson Support Portal (Students & Parents): Creating A Case Record
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