When did you start your qualification and is your education centre still open?
Less than 5 years and the centre is still open:
Please contact your school, college or training provider if you have recently received your certificate (within the last 5 years) and the centre where you completed your studies is still open. They will be able to request changes to your certificate from Pearson.
More than 5 years or the centre is closed:
Please use 'Standard Certificate Service' to request changes to personal details on an existing qualification certificate.
Gender reassignment
If you need to amend your certificates following gender reassignment, please send an email to student.requests@pearson.com with the following evidence:
- A copy of a recent utility bill (no more than three months old) containing your current name and address.
- A copy of photographic ID (passport or photo card driving licence) in your current name.
We will also ask you to return your original certificates to us. The student.requests@pearson.com email address is only used for gender reassignment cases and any other emails sent to this address will not receive a response. This service is free of charge.
For additional information on the services we offer to replace your original certificate if it's been lost or misplaced, click here.
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