When to contact your school, college or learning provider first
We want to help you as much as possible but some questions or complaints may need to be raised with your school, college or learning provider.
If you’re unhappy with the way your teacher is delivering a Pearson qualification, or with a decision that’s been made by your school, college or learning provider, you need to give them the opportunity to investigate and respond to your concerns before getting in touch with us.
Please note that once a learner has exhausted a centre’s complaints procedure, there will only be certain matters Pearson can then assist with. We cannot assist with matters which are between the centre and learner, for example, fee disputes.
Contacting Pearson with feedback and complaints
If you’d like to give us your feedback or you’re unhappy with the service, you can access our customer portal and select ‘File a complaint’ in the issue type.
You can also use the customer portal to get in touch if you feel your school, college or learning provider has failed to follow its own procedure or you've exhausted their internal complaints process and you're still unhappy with the outcome.
Q: Can I post you a hard copy of my complaint?
A: Yes. Please post your complaint to the address below:
Customer Services Contact Team (Feedback and complaints)
Pearson Qualification Services
14 The Quays
Salford Quays
M50 3BF
If you post your complaint to us, please include an email address and telephone number where possible in case we need to contact you for more information.
Q: Once I’ve made a complaint, what can I expect?
A: Your complaint will be passed to the team that’s best placed to investigate and resolve it. You may receive a response in writing or by phone – whichever is most appropriate. We aim to respond to complaints in 10 working days.
Sometimes, to investigate your concerns fully and provide a detailed response, we’ll need longer than 10 days. If this is the case, we’ll contact you after 10 working days to update you on our progress.
Q: What can I do if I’ve exhausted the Pearson complaints procedure?
A: If you’ve followed the Pearson complaints procedure and would still like to take your complaint further, the following options are available:
Regulatory bodies
If you're from an international centre and are delivering or taking a qualification regulated by any of the bodies listed, you can also contact the appropriate qualifications regulator if you would like to take your complaint further.
Other bodies
In England and Wales - If you’re a learner taking Higher National Certificates (HNC) and Higher National Diplomas (HND) you may wish to contact the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA). You can check if your complaint can be reviewed by the OIA here.
In Scotland - If you're a learner at a Scottish college, who has exhausted the complaints procedure at your college, you may wish to contact the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO) here.
Following the OIA or SPSO process does not prevent you from pursuing a complaint or appeal with Pearson and you may choose whichever route(s) you feel is the most appropriate.
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