The new ResultsPlus Group Analysis service has been developed to support multi-academy trusts and groups of schools. This service can provide senior leaders with a clear overall picture of student performance across all their schools in Pearson Edexcel exams and BTEC external assessments.
Included as part of your qualification fees, ResultsPlus can also be used to analyse your mock exam results, making this service a valuable tool for use throughout the academic year.
The ResultsPlus Group Analysis service:
- collates all data on mocks and high-stake exams at the click of a button, enabling senior leaders to see an instant RAG status across your entire group of schools
- provides instant analysis on both mocks and high-stake exam results for individual schools within your group
- enables senior leaders to compare, at cohort level, between different schools and across the whole group, as well as with Pearson Edexcel national averages
- allows you to see how each school within your group is tracking and progressing year on year.
- use alongside Access to Scripts for access to a ready-made bank of trust-wide exemplar material for aspiration and for standardisation across the subject departments.
- provides question-level analysis that allows you to instantly see strengths and areas of difficulty at school and group level enabling you to share good practice within your group and inform CPD.
Setting up a ResultsPlus Group Analysis Account
We’ll need to set up a separate account for your multi-academy trust or groups of schools, even if your own school is already set up with a ResultsPlus account.
To set up an account for ResultsPlus Group Analysis please complete the form below. Once completed we’ll create your account and provide you with all the information you’ll need to make full use of this service.
Please note that we are unable to set up accounts or make any changes to existing accounts in the 4-week period ahead of results day. Therefore, please ensure you request your account set up well in advance of results day:

Related Articles:
ResultsPlus: Access And Usage
ResultsPlus for Functional Skills
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