We will issue the XML files at the same time as EDI files via the A2C transport application.
When you go to import your results files, in addition to your EDI files, you’ll also see a new file type.
XML files will be named a2c.CCCCC.AB.EDIResults.GUID.xml:
CCCCC is a 5-digit alpha-numeric centre number (for EDI results always a numeric NCN)
AB is the 2-digit AO identifier (same as the EDI AB identifier)
GUID (globally unique identifier) is the same GUID used in the Message ID.
For example, a Pearson A level filename for centre 99999 would look like this: a2C.99999.11.EDIResults.0AD3B770-2F1E-4779-A9FA-7606ED8D84366.xml
If you haven’t updated to the latest version of the A2C Transport application, you will still be able to download the files. However, the file will show as an unknown file type. Therefore, we recommend you update the A2C Transport application as soon as you can.
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How to import the files will depend on your supplier’s implementation. Please contact your MIS supplier for more details. For some MIS you may need to import both the EDI and XML files.
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To open an XML file downloaded from Edexcel Online, firstly locate the file in your download folder and then right-click, choose 'Open with' and select 'Excel' from the listed options:
 If 'Excel' doesn’t appear as an option, use the 'Choose another app' option and search for Microsoft Excel.
To open an XML file downloaded from Edexcel Online using Google Sheets, open Google.com and click on the 'Menu' icon menu:

Click on the 'Sheets' icon:

Click on the 'Folder' icon on the right-hand side:

Select 'Upload' and then 'Browse':

Locate the file and click 'Open', the upload will then start:

The document will automatically open once uploaded.
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