You can download a results report through Edexcel Online. Please see the below steps:
1. To sign in, please go to https://edexcelonline.pearson.com; you will be asked to enter your usual Edexcel Online credentials, and once you click sign in, a verification code will be sent to the Pearson Authenticator app.
For further information, including downloading the app to your mobile device and using it to complete the sign-in process. Please see Pearson Portal Authenticator for details.
2. You will then be directed to the EOL home page:

3. Select your qualification from the drop down-box and choose 'Results' then 'Reports - Bulk Download':

4. Choose your session, then report type - you can choose more than one report if you wish. When ticked, click submit:

5. The report will appear in your Edexcel Online mailbox within 2 hours, located at the top of the screen:

Please Note: Once you have requested your report(s), please do not repeat the request multiple times. Please keep checking for the report(s) to appear in your Edexcel Online mailbox. Multiple requests for the same report(s) can slow the platform down at peak times, delaying the delivery of the report(s) to your mailbox.
There are various reports to download to show all results, including a breakdown of units. See below for a brief explanation of what each report is:
Used for checking student performance at a glance and contains all unit-level scores and overall subject grades.
Component results:
Used for checking student performance against grade boundaries (also useful for teachers and heads of departments). Listed by component, it shows the subject marks, Individual paper scores for linear qualifications, UMS and maximum raw and weighted marks.
The PDF version of the report also shows if Special consideration has been applied.
Contributing unit results:
Checking how raw unit marks contributed to each UMS (also useful for teachers and heads of departments). Shows grades, component unit scores, total UMS and grade boundaries. This report is for modular qualifications only.
Statement Of Results:
Providing results information to students. It details overall grades/scores for all subjects.
Component Result Boundaries
Provides the raw mark boundaries for individual components in linear qualifications. Components are individual assessments, such as examinations or non-exam assessments (NEA), which each make up a linear qualification.
Please note: this option will include the overall results via a secondary tab.
Related Articles:
Results: Missing Academic Results
Results Reports: General Qualifications Statement of Results
Results Reports: BTEC NQF Broadsheet / Statement Of Results
Statement Of Results: (International Centres)
Results: Grade Boundaries
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