
Registrations: Search For A Candidate / Making Amendments

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TitleRegistrations: Search For A Candidate / Making Amendments
URL NameRegistrations-Making-Amendments
How do I search for a BTEC candidate registration?
How do I amend details of a candidates BTEC registration after it has been made?

search for candidate.jpg

If you need to make an amendment to a candidates personal details or estimated completion date, you can do this through Edexcel Online. Please follow the below steps once logged in.

1. Select 'BTEC & Functional Skills' from the qualification drop-down box, then choose 'Candidates' and 'Search by candidate':
candidate search.png
2. On the Candidate search screen, keep the 'Assessment type' the same, select your 'Session' and enter the registration number. Click 'Next':
3. In the next window, click on 'Details' of the right side of the table:
4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on 'Edit':
5. You can make your amendments to any personal detail or estimated completion date. Once happy, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on 'Save':
Please note: You can only make 1 set of amendments. Once you have saved the record and need to make further changes, you will need to request this through your Customer Service Specialist by creating a new case record.

Related Articles:
Registrations: Withdrawals/Deletions (International)
Pearson Support Portal: Creating An Account
Pearson Support Portal (Staff at Centres & Associates): Creating A Case Record

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