
Pearson Progress: Information And Support

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TitlePearson Progress: Information And Support
URL NameProgress-Information-And-Support


As an additional step for securing customer and learner data within the Pearson Progress platform, we are now enhancing our systems by introducing the Pearson Authenticator app.

For further information and guidance on how to set up the Pearson authenticator app, please see our step by step guide: Pearson Progress: Pearson Authenticator.

The Pearson authenticator app will be required for Centre Staff roles to sign in to Pearson Progress. Learners and Assessment Associates will not be required to use the Pearson authenticator app to sign in to their account.

Please click to see a range of centre support articles:  
Please click to see a range of Learner support articles:

Recording of International Pearson Progress event

This demonstration goes through how to set up centre and user accounts, create programmes, upload and assess learner work, and conduct internal verification. You’ll also see what Progress looks like from a learner’s perspective. 

It is intended for Exams Officers, Quality Nominees, Assessors/Teachers/Lecturers, and Heads of Centres to showcase the benefits of Pearson Progress.​





Detailed Instructions


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