
Post-Results Services (PRS): Track A Request / Status Of Application

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TitlePost-Results Services (PRS): Track A Request / Status Of Application
URL NamePost-Results-Track-A-Request-Status-Of-Application
How can I track the progress of a post-results application?


Please select from the following options:

How to track a request on Edexcel Online

You can track a post-results-service through Edexcel Online. Please see the following steps:

  1. To sign in, please go to; you will be asked to enter your usual Edexcel Online credentials, and once you click sign in, a verification code will be sent to the Pearson Authenticator app. 
    For further information, including downloading the app to your mobile device and using it to complete the sign-in process. Please see Pearson Portal Authenticator for details. 

  2. You will then be directed to the EOL home page:
    eol large ds copy.png
  3. Click on the 'Select Qualification' dropdown on the left-hand side and select the qualification; in this example, we are using 'GCSE':

    GQ prs 2 ds copy.png

  4. Select 'Post Results' then 'Track Request':
    track req 1 ds copy.png
  5. Select a session and input the 'Case Reference No'. Click 'Search'. Or you can search using 'Candidate Number', 'Unit', 'Paper' and 'Service Type'
    track req 2 ds copy.png
  6. You will see all papers that have been included in the application reference. To view additional information, click on 'View'
    track req 3 ds copy.png
ACKThe request has been acknowledged and will be processedPlease allow up to the following amount of days for a response:
  • EAR1 - 10 working days
  • EAR2 - 20 working days
  • EAR2P - 15 working days
  • EAR3 - 35 working days
PRGThe request is in progressNo action is required; please wait for an outcome.
CANCancelledNo action is required; please wait for an outcome.
CLDCompleted and ClosedNo action is required; please wait for an outcome.
Outcome Letters

Outcome letters are sent to the Edexcel Online mailbox of the person who originally requested the service.
It is possible to receive some outcomes before others; this will depend on the individual examiner it has been sent to. Please allow the full-service level (shown in the above table) before chasing a request.

Related Articles:
Post-Results: Cancel A Request
Post-Results: Appeals 

Back to Results, Post-Results & Appeals index.

Detailed Instructions
Not Applicable.

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