T Level Technical Qualification Appeals
The grounds for appeal as specified in the JCQ document - A Guide to Appeals Processes - will apply for T level Technical Qualifications, with some minor amendments to the details contained in that document. The differences are:
- T Level Technical Qualification preliminary appeals will be processed within 20 working days and not the 42 calendar days stated in the JCQ document.
- Where a grade for one or both of the sub-components changes, as an outcome of the appeal, the UMS will also change, and we will check whether this impacts the overall component grade.
The appeals process is summarised below; full details are available in the JCQ document above. This summary document should be read in conjunction with the full JCQ document, which provides the details of the appeals process that will be applied to T level Technical Qualifications.
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Grounds for appeal
Pearson will accept appeals in relation to these areas of our work:
- the outcome of any moderation of a centre’s marking of an assessment, following a review of moderation in respect of that marking
- the result for any assessment in respect of a learner, following a review of marking of Marked Assessment Material in respect of that assessment
- decisions regarding Reasonable Adjustments and Special Consideration
- decisions relating to any action to be taken against a learner or a centre following an investigation into malpractice or maladministration.
In addition, some other administrative decisions, such as in cases of missing scripts, may be subject to review by awarding body officers. An appeal may be submitted if the appellant considers that either:
- a marking or moderation (or a review of marking/moderation) error has occurred; or
- the awarding body did not apply its procedures consistently, properly or fairly.
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Who can appeal?
Appeals must not be submitted by the head of centre or private candidate until the outcome of the relevant post-results service.
Appeals for internal candidates must be submitted by the head of centre. Internal candidates and/or their parents/carers are not entitled to appeal directly to the awarding body. Representations must be made to the head of centre where the candidate was entered or registered. The head of centre’s decision, as to whether to proceed with an appeal, is subject to the centre’s internal appeals arrangements.
A private candidate may submit an application for an appeal directly to an awarding body.
Stages of the appeal process
There is a two-stage appeals process for T Level Technical Qualifications:
- Preliminary appeal– this involves an investigation of the case by an awarding body officer who has not had any previous involvement with, or personal interest in, the matter. This preliminary stage will include consideration of the written submission from the appellant. After the preliminary stage, the case will either be rejected (disallowed) or upheld (allowed) in whole or in part.
- Appeal hearing - an appeal hearing may only be requested once a preliminary appeal has been completed. An appeal hearing is designed to ensure that the appellant has a formal opportunity to present their case to an impartial body. A member of centre staff must represent the centre at the appeal hearing for internal candidate appeals. A request for an appeal hearing must be made within 14 calendar days of receipt of the preliminary appeal outcome.
Following the completion of the awarding organisation appeals process, an application may be made to Ofqual’s Exam Procedures Review Service (EPRS) in line with the published terms of reference for that service.
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Submitting an appeal
Appeals should be submitted via an online form which is available on our qualifications website.
We will normally expect centres to contribute towards the costs of appeal investigations and hearings. Detailed fees information can be found on the T Levels Training and admin support page. There is no requirement for any fee to be submitted with the initial appeal application. We will not charge centres for special consideration appeals, nor for other appeals if an appeal is upheld.
Additional information
JCQ rules and guidance
Ofqual regulations
Further guidance
If you are unsure whether you have grounds to appeal, are unsure how to present your grounds for appeal, or would like further guidance on the appeals process, the Appeals Office can be contacted at edexcelappeals@pearson.com, and we will be happy to provide information and guidance.
Related Article:
Post Results: How To Apply For T Level
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