Post Results Services (PRS): How To Apply For T Level
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What post-results services are available for T Levels?
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How do I submit a request for a post-results service?
All Exams Officers can request post-results services, but you will need to get permission from students before applying.
The Reviews of Marking and Moderation (RoMM) services form part of the post-result services offered to providers and students. Before providers make a request for a post-result service, you will need to get permission from students before applying.
The Reviews of Marking and Moderation (RoMM) services allow you to request us to run additional checks that the grades we've issued to your students are correct.
Providers may wish to apply for a post-result service if, but not limited to:
All parts of the exam paper have not been marked
Marks have been recorded/added up incorrectly
The grade boundaries have not been applied accurately
Qualification and component information which the post-results service is being requested for.
Reviews of Marking and Moderation (RoMM)
Our Reviews of Marking and Moderation (RoMM) services allow you to request us to run additional checks that the grades we've issued to your candidates are correct.
Service 1 - Clerical check
A check of all clerical procedures which leads to us issuing a result. This includes making sure that:
All parts of the exam paper have been marked
Marks have been recorded/added up correctly
Special consideration has been applied (where appropriate)
The grade boundaries have been applied accurately.
You might consider this service if the results for one candidate are unexpected compared to the rest of the cohort.
Please note: Candidates' marks or grades can go up, go down or stay the same.
To get a copy of the clerically checked exam paper, you should request an 'Access to student assessment evidence' service at the same time as submitting the Service 1. There is a fee for this additional service.
Pearson will aim to respond to requests within 10 working days following receipt of a request.
Service 2 - Review of marking
A check that our examiners have marked externally assessed components correctly. This includes:
A clerical check (Service 1)
A review of marking of units/components by a senior examiner.
You can ask us to review the marking of exam papers for individual candidates; each candidates results will be reported separately.
Please note: Candidates' marks or grades can go up, go down or stay the same.
Pearson will aim to undertake their review within 25 working days following receipt of a request.
Service P2 - Expediated review of marking
This service is the same as Service 2 'Review of marking', but is processed faster.
Please note: Candidates’ marks or grades can go up, go down or stay the same.
It is generally used when a candidate’s place in further/higher education depends on the outcome.
Pearson will aim to respond to requests within 10 working days following receipt of a request.
If a centre is concerned about the marking of a centre cohort
Our approach to managing all post-results services is to ensure that every candidate has a result that accurately reflects their performance and to maintain confidence in our qualifications and outcomes. However, if, as a centre, you have concerns regarding the marking for a component or subject cohort, you should submit requests for reviews of marking for all candidates you believe to be affected. This will enable us to take a holistic view of the quality of marking and allow us to take any corrective action which may be required in a timely fashion.
You must obtain written candidate consent for reviews of marking after the publication of results as, with these services, candidates’ marks and subject grades may be lowered. Candidates must be informed of this possible outcome and provide their written consent before an application is submitted.
A centre that is dissatisfied with the outcome of a review of marking or moderation (RoMM), special consideration or access arrangement request, or malpractice determination may wish to appeal against the decision.
We will allow the head of centre (or designated member of the centre’s senior management team or examinations manager) 30 calendar days from the receipt of the outcome to lodge an appeal.
Pearson will aim to send providers a copy of the relevant original marked Student Assessment evidence within 10 working days of receipt of a request in order to help providers to decide whether to request a Review of Marking.