
Post Results Services (PRS): How To Apply For BTEC Reviews of Results (RoRs) Service

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TitlePost Results Services (PRS): How To Apply For BTEC Reviews of Results (RoRs) Service
URL NamePost-Results-How-To-Apply-For-BTEC-Reviews-of-Results-RoRS-Service
How can I apply for post-results services for BTEC qualifications?


Please select from the options below: 

What are post-results services?

If you're a centre concerned about a students results, you can use our post-results services.

Please see Post-Results: RoMM Services, Access to Scripts & Appeals for detailed information about each available service.

You must have the 'Post Results' permission on your account to create new post-results enquiries.

The student must give written consent before any post-results service (except Service 3) is applied for. If the student has moved away, an email confirming consent will suffice. 
General Qualifications

You can apply for a RoMM or an ATS through Edexcel Online. For detailed guidance, please see the article: Post-Results: How to Apply. The article covers requesting a RoMM and a traditional ATS (a script not available via the script viewer service).

Functional Skills qualifications

Review of Marking and Moderation (RoMM) For Functional Skills (onscreen and paper-based on-demand), Review of Marking and Moderation (RoMM) requests can be submitted only by sending an email to

The window for centres to apply for the post-results services opens on the day a result is issued for a test and closes 14 working days after the result was issued. Centres are advised to submit applications at the earliest opportunity, as applications cannot be made after the window has closed.

Reviews of Results: Key dates

Key dates and deadlines for BTEC post-results requests can differ depending on the method of delivery.

Please see Post-Results: Key Dates & Deadlines for BTEC Qualifications for further information about key dates.

BTEC Onscreen on-demand tests
Pictogram-RGB-FreshGreen_Callendar 14 small.pngFor BTEC Onscreen on-demand tests, an application must be submitted within 14 working days of receiving the results. This must be done via email to

Please note: Although this email address includes FS (Functional Skills) in its name, this is a shared mailbox for all onscreen test post results requests.

Please include the following details in the email: 

  • Centre number
  • Learner registration number
  • Test/unit code
  • Date of the test
  • Service Type - Clerical check or Review of Marking
Cancelling a post-results request

If you wish to cancel a request, you should contact us by creating a case record on the customer support portal. In addition, please type 'Urgent - Cancel RoMM service request' in the subject line.

Please quote the post-results application reference number in your request.

If your application has not been processed, i.e. it has not been received by an examiner, we can cancel it for you, and you won't be charged.

If the request has already been processed or sent to a Senior Examiner, we will not be able to cancel your application, and you will be charged for the service accordingly.  
Detailed Instructions
How to apply

Important Information

If you are unable to select a learner (tick box greyed out) during a Post-Result Service (PRS) application, this is usually because of one of the following reasons:

  • Access To Scripts (ATS) is unavailable due to access being available via Script Viewer
  • the candidate has a special consideration/aegrotat applied
  • the candidate was absent
  • the candidate has a missing script

Service availability can be checked via: Post Results Services (PRS): Services Available by Unit or Component.

Please note: The message '*In lieu of an ATSC, learner work can be viewed in Learner Work Transfer and the mark breakdown via ResultsPlus' in the Additional/Special Notes section of the linked documents, means examiner notes are not available for BTEC components and cannot be ordered using the PRS application process. You should use a combination of the work available via LWT and the mark breakdowns shown via ResultsPlus.

ATS is not an available service for work uploaded to Learner Work Transfer (LWT). 

Step-by-step guide
  1. To sign in, please go to; you will be asked to enter your usual Edexcel Online credentials, and once you click sign in, a verification code will be sent to the Pearson Authenticator app.
    For further information, including downloading the app to your mobile device and using it to complete the sign-in process. Please see Pearson Portal Authenticator for details. 

  2. You will then be directed to the EOL home page:
    EOL MFA 5.png

  3. Click on the 'Select Qualification' dropdown on the left-hand side, and select 'BTEC & Functional Skills':
    btec prs 1 ds copy.png

  4. Click on the 'Post Results' menu on the left-hand side of the screen:
    btec prs 2 ds copy.png

  5. The BTEC Post-Results Services portal will open in a new tab so please ensure that you have allowed pop-ups. If the pop-up window does not open, you may need to 'allow pop-ups'. Please see Pop-up Blocker - How To Disable for additional support.

  6. Click on the 'Make a PRS Request' box:
    btec prs 3 ds copy.png

  7. Use the dropdowns menus to select the 'Series''Unit', and 'Service type':
    btec prs 4a ds copy.png
  8. Click the 'Search' button:
    btec prs 5a ds copy.png

  9. A list of candidates who sat this unit will then be displayed. Tick the check box for the candidates(s) you wish to have a review of results.

  10. If you would like a copy of the script once the review has been completed (ATSPE), click on the checkbox underneath the table of candidates.

  11. Once all learners have been selected, click on the 'Submit' button:  
    btec prs 6 ds copy.png

  12. A confirmation pop-up will open on the screen.

  13. Click on the 'Submit' button to submit the application:
    btec prs 7 ds copy.png

  14. The following screen shows the potential cost of the request as well as the target completion date.
    This confirmation screen will display the application reference number in the table. Please make a note of this:
    prs c1 ds copy.png
Video tutorial


Post-results services: Fees

In our Post-Results Services Quick Reference Guide, you'll find our fees for all our post-results services, effective 01 August 2024.

A full breakdown of the PRS fees can be seen in the document below:
PRS24_Thumb.pngPost Results fees 2024-2025 (UK) [PDF Download]

Waiving of fees

RoR service 1,2, P2:
We will not charge centres for these services if the candidate:

  • Has been issued with an overall grade for the qualification, which changes due to a result of the review of marking.
  • Has not been issued an overall grade for the qualification, and their notional unit grade is changed as a result of a clerical check or review of marking. 

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