A centre which is dissatisfied with the outcome of a review of marking or moderation (RoMM) may wish to appeal against the decision.
For more information please select from the following options:
General guidance
We will allow the head of centre (or designated member of the centre's senior management team or examination manager) 30 calendar days from the receipt of the outcome to lodge an appeal against a RoMM decision.
Appeals should be submitted using the webform which can be found here.
Please note: It is expected that centres will submit application to appeal using the webform linked above. We do not accept applications to the email inbox and we do not accept applications by post, other than in exceptional circumstances.
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Grounds for appeal
Appeals against results should be lodged on either of the following two bases:
- the awarding body didn't apply its procedures consistently, properly or fairly
- there's been a specific marking or moderation error that has not been corrected at the review stage. Details of the exact error must be provided as the appeals process is not an opportunity to have an assessment generally re-checked in its entirety.
The appeals office may refuse to accept an appeal application where:
- no valid grounds are presented
- no specific marking or moderation error is identified
- no procedural grounds are cited.
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Appeals relating to access arrangements, reasonable adjustments and special consideration will be handled in line with the approach specified in the JCQ Guide to Awarding Bodies’ Appeals Processes, June 2024. Please see page 9, paragraph 45 for further information surrounding this type of appeal.
The following JCQ documents may be of use:
The following Ofqual regulations and guidance may also be of use:
In considering whether or not to appeal on the grounds of a marking or moderation error, it's important to note Ofqual’s ‘GCSE 9-1 qualification level guidance’, page 21, which states that:
‘Following a review or an appeal, a reasonable mark should not be replaced with another such mark, simply because those carrying out the review or the appeal would have given a different mark if they were the original Assessor. We do not consider that one such mark should be replaced with another (often higher) mark, as then Learners who request a review or appeal would be unfairly advantaged over those who do not. A review or appeal should not be an opportunity for a Learner to have a second go at getting a better mark. Such a review or appeal should only interfere with a mark where there has been a Marking Error.’
Ofqual has defined a marking error as:
‘The awarding of a mark or the arrival at an outcome of Moderation which could not reasonably have been given or arrived at given the evidence generated by the Learner(s) (and for Moderation, the centre’s marking of that evidence), the criteria against which Learners’ performance is differentiated and any procedures of the awarding organisation in relation to Moderation or marking, including in particular where the awarding of a mark or outcome of moderation is based on: an Administrative Error, a failure to apply such criteria and procedures to the evidence generated by the Learner(s) where that failure did not involve the exercise of academic judgment, or an unreasonable exercise of academic judgment’.
Contact for further guidance
If you're unsure whether you have grounds to appeal, are unsure how to present your grounds for appeal, or would like further guidance on the appeals process, the Appeals Office can be contacted at edexcelappeals@pearson.com and we would be happy to discuss the submission of your appeal with you.
The appeals process
When an appeal is lodged, we'll carry out a preliminary appeals investigation. This will take the form of a fresh examination of all the available evidence and may involve case officers, subject-related assessment staff and senior examining personnel. We will inspect the review of marking or moderation (RoMM) files and other relevant records to check that the correct processes were followed at each stage of the marking process.
Where the appeal alleges that a specific marking or moderation error has occurred, we'll refer the details of the alleged error to a senior examiner or moderator for further review and response. That senior examiner or moderator will not have had any previous involvement in the marking or moderation of the component.
We will acknowledge each appeal application within two working days of receipt. We'll send a letter stating the outcome of the preliminary appeal within 42 calendar days of receipt of a valid appeal application. In the event that the appeals office is unable to complete its consideration within this timeframe, we'll advise the centre of the likely extent of any delay. |  | If, following the preliminary appeal, a centre remains dissatisfied with our response, the head of centre may request the opportunity to present their case at an appeal hearing where a panel of people who are wholly independent of Pearson will consider the case. Further details on this stage of the process will be provided in the preliminary appeal outcome letter and can also be found in the JCQ Appeals booklet.
If, following an appeal hearing, the centre remains dissatisfied, it may submit an appeal to: Ofqual's Examinations Procedures Review Service (EPRS) where the qualification is in scope. Centres should check the information published by the regulator. |
We'll normally expect centres to contribute towards the costs of appeals and panel hearings. The maximum amounts that we will charge are £150 per examination component for the preliminary appeal, and £200 for any subsequent appeal panel hearing.
There is no requirement for centres to submit any fee with the initial appeal application. We will not charge centres for special consideration appeals or for any appeal that is upheld. We will invoice the centre following the completion of the appeal.
Where an appeal is upheld at any stage the fees for the original Review of Marking and Moderation (RoMM) service will be refunded.
Please note: this does not include the fee for requesting a copy of the reviewed exam paper via the Access To Scripts (ATS) service placed at the same time as submitting the RoMM request.
Please see Post Results: T Level Appeals including applicable fees.
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