The below information will help prevent incomplete photocopied scripts from being given to your candidates and assist in our examiners' efficient and accurate marking.
- Ensure you use standard A4 paper
- Photocopy the question paper two-sided if possible
- Secure the photocopied script with a treasury tag (top left of the script)
- Ensure any attachments are inserted next to the appropriate question in the exam script
- Ensure any attachments include the candidate’s centre and candidate number (top right of the script)
- Ensure attachments are secured with a treasury tag - not stapled
- Ensure the photocopy is in the correct page number sequence
- Ensure that if a colour paper is needed a light colour is used
- Use staples on your candidates’ material
- Create single-sided scripts
- Use card for printing candidates’ script
- Band different candidates work together
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For further information on conducting examinations in your centre, including ordering stationery and tracking your examination papers, please click here.
Related Articles
Accessing and creating an account on the new exam/centre stationery website
Placing an order on the new exam/centre stationery website
Exam Stationery And Materials List
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