2. To search for answers to your questions, you can type in keywords in the search box in the top right corner of the screen: 3. Suggested articles will appear when you start typing into the search bar. Click on the title for the article to be displayed: 4. If you don't see an article from the initial results, you can complete a search by clicking on the magnifying glass or pressing Enter/Return on your keyboard: 5. You will be presented with an initial list of the 5 most popular support articles that match your keywords. You can use the 'View More' to view a complete list of results. You can select the required article by clicking on it's title:
6. If you hover your mouse pointer over the title of any article in the search results, you will see a 'preview' of the content. This will allow you to check the results of your search without needing to open each article individually:
The Home page of the Pearson Customer Support Portal has been reorganised to provide a dedicated space for each of our main customer types/roles:
Administrators and Exams Officers
Teachers and Educators
Students, Parents and Carers
Finance Officers
Assessment Associates
New centres (approvals)
You can also move between the different customer types using the links at the top of the screen.
Please note: If you have defined your role on your portal profile, you will be automatically taken to your dedicated page once you sign in.
If you scroll down the main home page, you will also find a selection of 'Trending Support Topics':
By clicking on one of the Customer Type titles, you will be presented with support articles that have been organised into Support Topics to make it easier to find the support you need:
We have also arranged our Platform Guides to enable you to find the support you need quickly:
You can also find ‘Further Resources’ that may link you to additional support, training and resources:
When clicking on any of the tiles in these sections, you will see the support articles we have curated and arranged into easy-to-navigate groups. You can view any required article content by clicking on its title: