
Pearson Progress: Publishing Grades

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TitlePearson Progress: Publishing Grades
URL NamePearson-Progress-Publishing-Grades
How do I publish grades in Pearson Progress?

Please select from the options below to view step-by-step instructions:


Internal verification requirements

Your BTEC assessment internal verification forms should be uploaded to support the external quality assurance process. This is a requirement before you can issue grades to your learners.

1. Locate the necessary internal verification documents by logging into Pearson Progress and click 'Document browser':

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2. Click on 'Internal Verification Templates':

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3. Click on the three dots icon to preview (view online) or download to complete:

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4. Complete the internal verification documents necessary for your assessment and save them to your device:


5. Once completed, you need to upload them to the assessment before you issue any grades to learners. From the homepage, click on 'Assessments':

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6. Locate the assessment you wish to upload your internal verifications documents to. You can use the filter option or search tool to find your assessment:

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7. Click on the 'assessment tile' to open the assessment:

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8. Click on 'Internal Verification':

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9. Click on the '+' icon, then 'Upload':

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10. Drag and drop files or use the 'Browse your device' option to search your device:

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11. You will see your chosen document appear, click 'Upload':

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12. You will receive a confirmation screen, click 'Close':

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13. You will see your uploaded document(s). You can continue to add additional documents by clicking the '+' icon and repeating this process:

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Please note: These documents are now visible to centre staff and Standards Verifiers (not learners). 


Issuing unit grades

Important: Grades must only be issued once the above internal verification process has been completed. 

1. Log into Pearson Progress and click on 'Assessments':

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2. Locate the assessment you wish to issue grades for. You can use the filter option or search tool:

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3. Once located, click on the 'assessment tile' to open:

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4. Click on 'Learners & Evidence':

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5. Click on the three dots icon on the right hand side of the learner you wish to issue grades to, then click 'Issue grades':

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6. A box will appear asking you to declare the internal verification processes have been met, click to tick the declaration box, then 'Issue grades':

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7. The feedback status will have now changed to 'issued' and the learner will be informed of their grade:

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Issuing qualification grades

1. From the homepage menu, click 'Grading'.  Locate the course you would like to issue qualification grades within and click the 'Select' button:

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2. Click 'Summary View',  then 'Edit grades':

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3. In the 'Qualification grade' column, click the down arrow to choose your grade:

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4. Once all the qualification grades have been input, click 'Save' or 'Discard changes' to cancel:

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5. You will receive a message screen asking you to confirm the grades you have input, click 'Continue':

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6. The qualification grade will now show and the learner will be informed:

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Back to Pearson Progress: Information And Support index page.

Detailed Instructions
Not Applicable. 

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