
Pearson Progress: Getting Started

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TitlePearson Progress: Getting Started
URL NamePearson-Progress-Getting-Started
What are the different roles and functions offered in Pearson Progress?

Pearson Progress is our new accessible and easy to use digital platform that has been designed to help you get closer to your learners by simplifying your planning and assessment of Pearson and BTEC qualifications.

The digital platform allows different levels of access and features depending on your BTEC course role and responsibilities.

Centre Staff

Every staff member is set up as Centre staff, however the Centre will need to have a main contact who can allocate the permissions to the staff. It is up to the main contact to decide which permissions they set for the staff.

When you have invited Centre staff to Progress, you can select their permissions on the invitation screen.

The permissions are as follows :

1. Manage Users – This role is set up so you invite users and remove users

2. Manage Programmes - This role is responsible for creating programmes based on combination of BTEC Units and access to all courses and assessments

3. Manage Courses- This role is for creating courses and assessments, marking learner work, and managing grades.

4. Read only - The Centre staff would not be able to edit and programmes, courses and assessments and will only be able to view content in Progress. 

Centre staff with permissions 1 and 2 would be the main responsible contact – for example this could be your Quality Manager, Exams Officer (or both).

Recording of International Pearson Progress event

This demonstration goes through how to set up centre and user accounts, create programmes, upload and assess learner work, and conduct internal verification. You’ll also see what Progress looks like from a learner’s perspective. 

It is intended for Exams Officers, Quality Nominees, Assessors/Teachers/Lecturers, and Heads of Centres to showcase the benefits of Pearson Progress.​




Learners are allocated to courses and assignments and submit work for marking.

Learners can access Pearson Progress from any online device.

Assessment Associate

Assessment Associates have read-only access to learner evidence and assessment decisions to enable them to carry out sampling. 

Back to Pearson Progress: Information And Support index page.

Detailed Instructions


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