Centre staff who have been granted edit access can create assessments. Assessment details will be visible to learners on their 'Assessments' tab.
To create an assessment, a centre user will need the following:
- have been invited to set up a Pearson Progress account,
- created a course
- have been allocated to the course
- created a programme template
To create an assessment, please follow the steps below:
- log in to Pearson Progress, select 'Assessments' from the left side menu:
- Select 'Create and plan assessment' from the right side of the page:
- A 'progress ladder' at the top of the page will indicate the stage of the process you are currently working on. The first step is to add an assignment brief from those listed on the page. You can use the 'Filters' and 'Search' options on the page to locate the required brief:
Important: Please check the individual qualification specification to ensure you are selecting the correct type of assignment brief; Pearson set assignments (PSAs) are required for certain units.

- Once you have located the assignment brief from within the list, click 'Select'. If you would like further information about the assignment brief before selecting, you can click the 'drop-down arrow' to see the learning aims and the assignment description:

- Next you will be given a message to inform you of any expiration dates of your selected assignment brief, please check this before clicking 'continue'.
- To add a course to this assignment, you may use the 'Filters' and 'Search' options to locate the required course. If required, use the 'drop-down arrow' to expand the course for further information. Click 'Select' to add the course and proceed to the next step:

- To add your teachers/assessors to the assessment, locate the teacher you would like to add to the assessment and select them by clicking the '+' button. They will then be moved into the 'selected teachers' column on the right side of the screen. When all of your teachers have been added, click 'Next':
- Repeat the same steps to add your Internal Verification staff, then click 'Next':

- To add the learners who are going to be assessed, repeat the same steps. You can see the date when learners first logged into Pearson Progress. If there is no date, you will need to follow up with the learner. Once you have selected the learners, click on 'Next':
- You will now need to input the details of the assessment.
- Set the 'Dates' by clicking the calendar icon to add the assessment start date and deadline.
- Give the assessment a 'Title'.
- Either select 'Assessment' if you require a first assessment (this could also include a potential resubmission opportunity', or
- select 'Retake' for learners who have already had a resubmission and not yet achieved a pass.
- Using the sliding buttons on the right, you can activate the 'Turnitin plagiarism checker'. You can also choose to display the 'Turnitin plagiarism report' to learners:
- Input a 'Planned resubmission date' and 'Internal verification of resubmission date' before clicking 'Next':
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You will be shown a summary page to allow you to check all information used to set up your assessment.
Select 'Save and Publish' if you are ready for learners and assessors to receive notifications and access the assessment. Learners and Assessors will be notified via email that they have an assessment.
Select 'Save a draft' if you want to save the assessment without making it visible to participants:

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If you have not yet saved your assessment, always click on the 'Back' button at the bottom of the screen to move to the previous one without losing the information you have added:
Please note: If you use the 'Back' arrow on your browser, you will have to start the creation process again. An onscreen warning will appear to remind you:
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