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This guide is written for centre staff who use Pearson Onscreen Platform. This can be accessed by the following users:
• Anyone with administration rights / permission to install software on your computer
By installing the Pearson Onscreen Platform LAN version, it allows you to download, prepare, start and launch tests. Within this guide, you will learn the steps required to manage the following activities:
• Download and install Pearson Onscreen Platform LAN software
If you do not have administration rights or permission to install software on your computer, please speak to your IT department.
Please select the area of interest from those listed below. The page will then display the relevant section from this guide, including a step-by-step where appropriate:
To successfully run POP LAN/Classroom tests, the following 4 pieces of software will need to be installed:
Exam Centre Service (ECS) – Installed on a server or a computer on the centre’s network. It allows local distribution of the software, including communication between the centre and the Pearson server.
Administrator Dashboard (AD) - Allows the downloading and preparation of the tests and the setting up of invigilators and rooms.
Invigilator Dashboard (ID) – Starts the test and monitors learner progression.
Test Player (TP) – Where a learner logs in to sit their test.
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The Exam Centre Service server communicates via ‘https’ (Port 443 TCP) to the Pearson servers.
The Administrator Dashboard, Invigilator Dashboard and Test Player communicate to the Exam Centre Service over ports 52221 & 52222.
Port range to be open 52221 – 52250.
Any software firewall on the Exam Centre Service PC will need to be open to allow it to communicate with the Pearson servers.
Please note that your network must allow incoming and outgoing traffic over port 443 to reach our IP / web addresses and https://btecng.pearson.com.
Connection to the internet is required only for the Exam Centre service, and this must be available for the duration of the exam. A normal ADSL connection is recommended (1MB) although higher speeds will enhance the overall performance.
It is essential that all PCs used are set to Greenwich Mean Time / British Summer Time; this will synchronise with our servers and allow all machines to communicate with each other. You can use the Time Protocol to make sure your systems are set up to the correct time.
Please note that the software has been designed to run on Windows Professional operating systems and we do not support the ‘Home’ edition of Windows.
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NB - This is Windows-based software and will not work on Apple Mac or Linux operating systems.
- Pentium III with 900Mhz processor
- Access to the Internet (ADSL 1Mb minimum) via reliable ISP 10/100 Mbps network interface adapter
- Tethered mobile/tablet connections using 3G/4G/5G networks are not supported.
- Disk space according to centre size and needs, a shared drive visible for all network users, with a minimum 1GB of space to be used for installation, test and response packages. This space will vary depending on the number of learners in the centre, and the number and size of tests.
- Windows 7 (or above)
- Microsoft .Net 4.5 (Full or Extended version) or above
- Important: Firewall ports that need to be open: Internally - 52221 & 52222. Externally – 443
- Pentium III with 900Mhz processor
- 10/100 Mbps network interface adapter
- Printer (local or network) – optional
- Windows 7 (or above)
- Microsoft .Net 4.5 (Full or Extended version) or above
- Important: Firewall ports that need to be open 52221, 52222, 443
- Pentium III with 900Mhz processor
- 100MB storage capacity
- Minimum 1024 x 768 screen resolution
- 10/100 Mbps network interface adapter (for local mode only)
- Windows Media Player 11 (or above)
- Access to the Internet (ADSL 1MB minimum) via reliable ISP
- Windows 7 (or above)
- Microsoft .Net 4.5 (Full or Extended version
- Important: Firewall ports that need to be open 52221 & 52222
NB - This is Windows-based software and will not work on Apple Mac or Linux operating systems. Mandatory log-ins/user profiles must not be used. Student users will require individual/local Windows log-ins.
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Install the Exam Centre Service (ECS) by clicking on the following link or copying & pasting it into a web browser:
It will automatically download if using Google Chrome; however, if you are using Internet Explorer, you will need to ‘Run’ or ‘Save’ the file.
Once the installer has been downloaded, it will appear in your downloads folder like this:

NB - The Exam Centre Service can be installed on any PC which is on the centre’s Network. However, lots of centres prefer to install on a dedicated server.
Double click on the installer to run the setup wizard.

The wizard will take you through the steps to install ECS; during this process, we recommend to set the program files & the Datastore folder to the default location of the C-drive.
You will also be asked to verify your centre number, so make you have this to hand.
If the machine is already using a proxy, this is normally picked up automatically and you can leave the 'Enable proxy' box unticked. If you use a different proxy address that is not already set up on the machine, you will need to enter this in the Network/Proxy Configuration part of the wizard; it should be typed in the following example format:

Once the installation has finished, a README file will open with the software installation links.
You do not have to use the README file to install the other software components; instead you can install from the Datastore/Apps folder, which is covered in the steps below.
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Once the Exam Centre Service is installed, it will create a folder in the C:drive of the computer called DataStore. This folder contains several subfolders; Apps, Packages, RecoveryData and Responses. Upon initial installation, the folder will only contain Apps, Packages and EcDatabase.

In the Apps folder, you can find the MSI installers for the other software components.

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Double click on the pearson.pop.administrator installer. This will open the Setup Wizard, and then click ‘Install’.
The software will automatically open once installed.

NB - The Administrator Dashboard should be installed on the Exam Officer's computer.
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Double click on the pearson.pop.invigilator installer. This will open the Setup Wizard, and then click ‘Install’.
The software will automatically open once installed.

NB - The Invigilator Dashboard should be installed on a computer in the room where tests take place, but it can be installed on the same PC as the Administrator Dashboard if required.
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Double click on the pearson.pop.testplayer installer. This will open the Setup Wizard, you can configure the Invigilator PC at this point, but it is not necessary as this can be done after the Test Player is installed. Click ‘Install’; the software will automatically open once installed.
The first screen you will see is the ‘Check Connection to Service’ screen. This is where you can also configure the Invigilator Dashboard.

NB – The Test player should be installed on all the computers where learners will sit their tests.
On the ‘Check Connection to Service’ screen, there are 2 ways you can add the Invigilator Dashboard (ID) information, either by selecting ‘Start Auto Discover’ or ‘Add Manually’.

‘Start Auto Discover’ will automatically find the ID as long as it’s on the same network; alternatively, click on ‘Add Manually’ and add using the Computer name or IP address of the ID.
Once you have added the Invigilator Dashboard information, you should see 2 green ticks above & below the image of the PC. This indicates that the Invigilator Software is running if it isn’t you will see a red cross at the bottom of the image, and you will need to launch the ID and log-in.

NB - Make sure the ID is logged into & running when adding the information on the Check Connection to Service screen.
Click on ‘Test Connectivity’, you will see a list of green ticks confirming the software is correctly installed & connected across your network.

Click ‘Finish’ on the bottom right corner of the screen; this will then take you to the Learner Log-in screen. That’s it!
The POP LAN/Classroom software is now installed, please see the following pages for information about upgrading and troubleshooting.
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We periodically release new versions of the POP LAN software to make improvements and fix minor issues. It is not mandatory to upgrade the software; however, it is recommended, so that your users & learners have the best experience during tests.
In order to upgrade the software, you should first uninstall the ECS and then re-install from the link on page 6 of this guide (the link always downloads the latest available version).
It is not necessary to uninstall the AD & ID; when you launch the software from the desktop shortcut, you will see the following message:

Click on ‘Download’ and the new version of AD or ID will be installed on to your PC.
Please note, the Test Player does not automatically find the new version of ECS when launched, this will need to be reinstalled from the Datastore/Apps folder using the pearson.pop.testplayer msi.
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Administrator Dashboard Log-in errors:
‘Invalid Credentials or account blocked’

Either the username or password is incorrect or the AD/ECS computer time is more than 5 minutes out from GMT/BST.
Fix - contact Customer Services for a password reset. Or check time is correct on AD & ECS PCs.
‘Unexpected error occurred, please try again later or contact support’

This could be related to an incorrect proxy address or a problem with the database file.
Fix - Reinstall ECS with correct proxy details. Or, on the ECS PC, delete the EcDatabase file from the C:drive/ Datastore folder and then restart the Exam Centre Service from Services.msc
‘Wrong Centre’

This happens when a different user attempts to log-in.
Fix - On the ECS PC, delete the EcDatabase file from the C:drive/Datastore folder and then restart the Exam Centre Service from Services.msc
‘Connectivity Error’

This is a connection error between your Exam Centre Service and the Pearson server.
Fix - Check that port 443 is open to allow incoming & outgoing traffic and https://btecng.pearson.com is allowed in the Firewall settings.
‘Version Not Verified’ (AD or ID)

This occurs when the AD or ID is unable to point to (see) the Datastore folder over the network or is configured to look at a particular pc/server on the network which no longer has the Datastore folder.
Fix - Reinstall the AD or ID from the Datastore / Apps folder or install the app directly on the ECS PC.
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If you experience any issues with the installation process and you are unable to locate a solution in this guide, please create a case, and a Customer Services Specialist will investigate the issue and provide an update within two working days.
Related Articles:
Pearson Support Portal: Creating An Account
Pearson Support Portal (Staff at Centres & Associates): Creating A Case Record
Pearson Onscreen Platform (POP): Onscreen Testing Declaration Form
Pearson Onscreen Platform (POP): Offline & Online Mode Installation Guide