
Pearson English International Certificate (PEIC): Post Results Service Application And Tracking

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TitlePearson English International Certificate (PEIC): Post Results Service Application And Tracking
URL NamePearson-English-International-Certificate-PEIC-Post-Results-Service-Application-And-Tracking

How can I apply for a post-results service?
How can I track the progress of a post-results application?
Where can I find information about Pearson English International Certificate (PEIC) Post results?


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To find out more about the post-results services we offer, please read our guide, which explains which service to request in the different situations you might face.

For information on how to apply please select from the following options:

How to make a new Post Results application

1. To sign in, please go to; you will be asked to enter your usual Edexcel Online credentials, and once you click sign in, a verification code will be sent to the Pearson Authenticator app.

For further information, including downloading the app to your mobile device and using it to complete the sign-in process. Please see Pearson Portal Authenticator for details. 

2. You will then be directed to the EOL home page:
3. Click on the 'Select Qualification' dropdown on the left-hand side, and select 'PTE' as the qualification:
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4. Click on the 'Post Results' menu on the left-hand side and select 'New Request':
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5. Click on the 'Service Type' drop-down menu to select the service 'EAR2 - Review of marking':
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6. In the 'Subject' field, enter the unit/entry code for the unit you would like to request a review for, then click 'Submit':
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You will see a list of learners who sat the unit.

7. Tick the check box next to the candidates name to select that learner. You may select more than one learner on this page.

8. Once the learner(s) have been selected, click on the 'Submit' button:  
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9. If there is more than one paper for the unit, you will be able to choose the paper(s) that you want to be reviewed on this screen.

10. Once the papers(s) have been selected, click on the 'Submit' button: 
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11. If you would like a copy of the script once the review has been completed (ATSPE), then click 'Yes':
12. The next screen shows the potential cost of the request as well as the target completion date.

13. Click on the 'Proceed' button to submit the application:
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14. The confirmation screen will display the application reference number in the table. Please make a note of this.
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Please note: outcome letters are sent to the Edexcel Online mailbox of the person who originally requested the service.

It is possible to receive some outcomes before others; this will depend on the individual examiner it has been sent. Therefore, please allow the full-service level shown here before chasing a request.

Cannot apply online due to a special consideration?

If a special consideration has been applied to a candidates grade, please send your Post results request directly to

Please include the below details, and they will be able to action your request:

  • Service type
  • Qualification
  • Unit/paper
  • Candidate number
  • Candidate Name
How to track an existing Post Results application

1. To sign in, please go to; you will be asked to enter your usual Edexcel Online credentials, and once you click sign in, a verification code will be sent to the Pearson Authenticator app.

For further information, including downloading the app to your mobile device and using it to complete the sign-in process. Please see Pearson Portal Authenticator for details.

2. You will then be directed to the EOL home page:
3. Select PEIC as the qualification from the drop-down box. Next, select 'Post Results' then 'Track Request':
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4. Select a session and input the 'Case Reference No'. Click 'Search'.  Or you can search using 'Candidate Number', 'Unit', 'Paper' and 'Service Type':
5. You will see all papers that have been included in the application reference, to view additional information click on 'View'
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6. This screen displays additional details and the status history of the request: 
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Abbreviations to look out for
ACKThe request has been acknowledged and will be processedPlease allow up to the following amount of days for a response:
EAR2 - 20 working days

The request is in progress

No action required, please wait for an outcome.
CANCancelledNo action required, please wait for an outcome.
CLDCompleted and ClosedNo action required, please wait for an outcome.
Outcome letters

Outcome letters are sent to the Edexcel Online mailbox of the person who originally requested the service.

It is possible to receive some outcomes before others, this will depend on the individual examiner it has been sent to. Please allow the full service level (shown in the above table) before chasing a request.

If you require any further support, please create a new case record. 

Related Articles:
Pearson Support Portal: Creating An Account
Pearson Support Portal (Staff at Centres & Associates): Creating A Case Record

Back to Pearson English International Certificate (PEIC): Administration index page.
Detailed Instructions


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