
Pearson English International Certificate (PEIC): Learner Work Transfer (LWT): Examination /Moderation Logging in and navigating

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TitlePearson English International Certificate (PEIC): Learner Work Transfer (LWT): Examination /Moderation Logging in and navigating
URL NamePearson-English-International-Certificate-PEIC-Learner-Work-Transfer-LWT-Examination-Moderation-Logging-in-and-navigating

How can Pearson English International Certificate (PEIC) centres access and navigate the LWT Examination / Moderation platform?


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The Learner Work Transfer portal allows Edexcel Online users to securely transfer digital evidence required for assessment to Pearson Associates. 

The Examination/Moderation Learner Work Transfer portal is used by centres who have made entries for the Pearson English International Certificate. Centre users will be able to submit the candidates’ audio files from the spoken test to external examiners in the UK via the portal.

Evidence is transferred via a ‘request’, which is created at paper level. Meaning if you have made entries for multiple test levels in a series then you will be able to manage each test level via a separate request.

Before you try to access Learner Work Transfer, you will need to ensure that you have the Basic Access permission on your Edexcel Online account.

The below step-by-step instructions demonstrate how centre users access and navigate the LWT Examination/Moderation platform:

  1. Log in to Edexcel Online, hover your mouse over 'Learner Work Transfer' and then click on 'Examination/Moderation' from the menu on the left side of the page:
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    2. If your Edexcel Online account is linked to multiple sites, you will need to select a Learning Provider from the drop-down menu before being able to view the dashboard for a given site:
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    3. You will then see the Learner Work Transfer dashboard. 
    The 'To Do' tab will display requests which are awaiting the centre to start uploading learner work:
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    4. The first few requests for each qualification will be shown on the dashboard by default: 
    The centre user can click on 'View All' under a given qualifications to see requests for all subjects under that qualification: 
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    5. The 'In Progress' tab shows requests where the centre has started to upload work, but has not yet submitted the request for assessment:
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    6. The 'Completed' tab shows requests which have already been submitted for assessment:
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    7. The search box can be used to narrow down the results as required. The search will work across all data shown in the list of requests: 
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    8. You can use the 'Examination' and 'Moderation' buttons near the top of the page to switch between assessment types:   
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    9. To log out, click on the drop-down arrow next to your initials in the top right corner of the screen, then click 'Log out':
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    Back to Pearson English International Certificate (PEIC): Administration index page.
Detailed Instructions


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