
Pearson English International Certificate (PEIC): Edexcel Online Error Messages / Page Won't Open

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TitlePearson English International Certificate (PEIC): Edexcel Online Error Messages / Page Won't Open
URL NamePearson-English-International-Certificate-PEIC-Edexcel-Online-Error-Message-Page-Won-t-Open
Why am I seeing an Edexcel Online error message?
A page I am trying to view on Edexcel Online isn't opening; what can I do?

PEIC Banner EOL error.png

Error Messages

If you experience any error messages within Edexcel Online, it would usually appear as a paragraph of red writing.

It may be due to a system update, or your session may have timed out.
In the first instance, you can try using a different web browser to resolve the error. However, if the problem continues, please try again later.

Page Won't Open

If you are trying to open a new page/window within Edexcel Online, please ensure that your pop-up blockers are switched off. This is the leading cause of new windows not opening.

For further information, please see Pop-up Blocker - How To Disable.

Also, please try using a different web browser.

Reporting problems

If you experience a problem with Edexcel Online that you can't resolve yourself, please contact us. Try to give as much information as possible to help us fix it for you, such as details of the menu option you were using, what you were querying, and any messages that were displayed that you thought were relevant.

We'll do our best to resolve your problem. However, we'd recommend that you speak to your in-house IT support before contacting us.  

Please Note:  Edexcel Online is unavailable between 00:00 and 02:00 UK time.

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