
Pearson English International Certificate (PEIC): Edexcel Online Account Management Changes FAQs

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TitlePearson English International Certificate (PEIC): Edexcel Online Account Management Changes FAQs
URL NamePearson-English-International-Certificate-PEIC-Edexcel-Online-Account-Management-Changes-FAQs
Q: What will happen with my EOL account?  
A: Your account will remain the same, but the ability to create new exam accounts or edit existing ones will now be managed by Pearson.
Q: Can I still delete non-active accounts?   
A: Yes, permissions to delete non-active/non-exam administration staff accounts is still be available for examination staff.
Q: Can I still create other staff accounts, e.g., Finance Officers?  
A: Yes. You will still be able to create and edit non-exam administration staff accounts.
Q: Why are you removing EOs access to create new / edit current accounts?  
 A: In addition to removing the admin burden from EOs, we are enhancing the security measures to ensure details held are accurate and only permissions provided are for the role created.
Q: How will new EOL accounts be managed in the future?   
A: If your centre requires any amendments to the Head of Centre (HoC) or Examinations staff within EOL, please complete the Head of Centre and Exams Officer form. You are required to have access to EOL already to complete the form. Once the form has been submitted, Pearson will call to verify the account and permissions required.
If there is no one in the centre with existing EOL access, please call to speak to one of our expert team on +44(0) 120 4770 696. They will then assist you further.

Pearson will continue to periodically review accounts, including those which you have confirmed as being required. Any accounts which have not been logged into in the past 2 years will be permanently deleted. 
Q: I need a new EOL account created but don’t have access to do this?  
A: If you require a new EOL account for either the Head of Centre (HoC) or Examinations staff, please complete the Head of Centre and Exams Officer form.  You are required to have access to EOL already to complete the form. 
If there is no one in the centre with existing EOL access, please call to speak to one of our expert team on +44(0) 120 4770 696. They will then assist you further.

Pearson will continue to periodically review accounts, including those which you have confirmed as being required. Any accounts which have not been logged into in the past 2 years will be permanently deleted.
Q: I urgently need an account creating?   
 A: Should you require urgent support with Examinations staff or HoC accounts you can call us to speak to the expert team.
  • International centres, please call +44(0) 120 4770 696 
Q: I urgently need a change to my account?   
 A: Should you require urgent support with Examinations staff or HoC accounts you can call us to speak to the expert team.
  • International centres, please call +44(0) 120 4770 696
Q: The changes confirm that Pearson will now be creating and editing exam staff. Will EOs still be able to do this?   
 A: No, the permission to do has now been from Exams Officers accounts, but they will still have access to delete non-active non-exam administration staff accounts.

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