To book an onscreen BTEC/FS test, please click to expand the sections below and follow the below instructions.
Step-by-step process
- To sign in, please go to; you will be asked to enter your usual Edexcel Online credentials, and once you click sign in, a verification code will be sent to the Pearson Authenticator app.
For further information, including downloading the app to your mobile device and using it to complete the sign-in process. Please see Pearson Portal Authenticator for details.
- You will then be directed to the EOL home page:
 - Select the 'BTEC & Functional Skills' option from the Select Qualification drop-down in the top left:
 - Select 'Onscreen and On Demand Testing' from the menu on the left side of the page and choose 'Book a test' from the sub-menu:
- Complete all the sections of the 'Test set-up' including Programme, Test, Venue, Test Date and Test Time:

Please note: When selecting a Venue, the expectation is that you choose 'Test Taken at Centre' for tests that will be delivered at your centre’s premises or 'Test Taken Outside of Centre' for those that are delivered 'Off-Site'. Any other data in this box is associated with a legacy test platform and is no longer used.
- Use the sections of the 'Refine learner' part of the page to locate the registration you would like to add to the booking. Once completed, you can click 'Next' to perform your search:

Please note: We encourage users to minimise the amount of data provided in this section of the page. This is a search tool that will assist in locating registrations. The easiest way to locate your learner is with their unique registration number. If you need to find a candidate by name, we recommend using only 1 of the name fields. You can also use % as a wildcard to maximise your results.
If you use Jo% in the first name field, your results will include names such as John, Joanne, Jodie, Joseph, etc.
- The next stage in the process is to provide a list of learners who match the search criteria provided on the previous page. The following image results from searching by the first name with Jo%. Once you have located the learner/s you would like to book, you will need to tick the relevant box and click 'Submit':
 - Once you have submitted your booking, the page will summarise the booking and provide access to an attendance register, which can be printed by clicking on the highlighted button:
 - If your booking request is rejected due to an error, Edexcel Online will give you information to show you why your request has failed. A key on the page uses different colours to show different types of errors. The below example is a candidate who has already passed the unit and is highlighted in yellow as per the key:

Please note: For further details of the error, you can hover your mouse over the highlighted line to see additional information:

Interactive guide
Please click the image below to view the interactive guide:
Related Articles:
BTEC Entries: Withdrawing An External Assessment Booking (NQF/RQF)
BTEC Entries: Booking An External Assessment (NQF/RQF)
Edexcel Online: Downloading Functional Skills ICT Level 1/2 Test Papers
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