
Onscreen Testing: Amending/Deleting Onscreen Tests

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TitleOnscreen Testing: Amending/Deleting Onscreen Tests
URL NameOnscreen-Testing-Amending-Deleting-Onscreen-Tests
How do I amend or delete an onscreen test booking on Edexcel Online?
Any test booking amendment made through Edexcel Online requires at least 2 hours between the current time and the start time of the booking. This processing time is required by our systems to reserve a new test for you. Edexcel Online will not permit a change to an existing test booking if the current start time is within the next 2 hours. You will also be unable to change a booking time to start within the next 2 hours.

If an onscreen test booking requires an amendment, the following changes can be made to any live booking:
  • Venue: Onsite/Offsite
  • Test Date: dd/mm/yyyy
  • Test Time: Any available time slot in 30-minute increments 
  • Additional 25% Time: Permitted only if an Access Arrangement has been made and approved
If the amendment you require is not listed above, then you will need to delete the booking and create a replacement booking.

Please note: amendments cannot be made if the test package has already been downloaded. The existing booking will have to be deleted and a new one made.

To amend or delete an onscreen test booking on Edexcel Online, please follow the detailed instructions below.:

1. To sign in, please go to; you will be asked to enter your usual Edexcel Online credentials, and once you click sign in, a verification code will be sent to the Pearson Authenticator app. 
For further information, including downloading the app to your mobile device and using it to complete the sign-in process. Please see Pearson Portal Authenticator for details.  

2. You will then be directed to the EOL home page:
EOL MFA 5.png
3. Select the Qualification as 'BTEC & Functional Skills' from the drop-down:
4. Select 'Onscreen Testing' and then 'View/Amend test booking' from the menu on the left side of the page:

5. On the next page, provide details of your booking. You can search with just the date criteria to view bookings for all programmes within the date range provided:


6. Indicate the booking that requires amendment by using the first column to select it.

Please note: that you can check the candidate details by clicking on the number in the far-right column.
You can then choose to 'Amend' or 'Delete' the booking by using the buttons above the list:

7. If multiple learners are attached to the booking, you can click on the number in the 'Count of Reg' column to view a list of candidate names. You can then tick the box in the first column and then choose to 'Amend' or 'Delete' the booking by using the buttons above the list:

8. If you choose to amend the booking, make the required amendments, and then click 'Submit' to finalise the changes:


Related Articles:
Onscreen Testing: Booking an Onscreen Functional Skills Test
Functional Skills English, Maths: Instructions For The Conduct Of Examinations (ICE)
Pearson Onscreen Platform (POP) Support Index
Back to Functional Skills: Support Index.
Detailed Instructions
Not Applicable.

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