
Logging In And Accessing Pearson Services Using The Pearson Application Portal

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TitleLogging In And Accessing Pearson Services Using The Pearson Application Portal
URL NameLogging-In-And-Accessing-Pearson-Services-Using-The-Pearson-Portal
How do I use the Pearson application portal to access my approved services?   

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We've created the Pearson application portal, where you'll find all the services that you have access to in one place. This includes Edexcel Online and other apps such as ResultsPlus and Exam Wizard.

Step-by-step guide/FAQs:
We're introducing additional security to EOL using Multi-factor authentication (MFA). This is an extra measure to protect user, centre and learner data. Edexcel Online (EOL) has been used in the example.  

The following services can be accessed via the application portal. Applications you see will be based on the options ticked in your Edexcel Online (EOL) account: 

  • Edexcel Online
  • Exam Wizard
  • LWT - Examination/Moderation
  • LWT - Standards Verification
  • Pearson Development Hub
  • ResultsPlus
  • Support Portal
  • T Level Learner and Order
  • T Level Results

Please select from the options below to expand and view the corresponding support:

Logging into EOL accounts via the Pearson application portal


To log into EOL via the new Pearson application portal, please see the following instructions:

1. Use the following link: This takes you to the page below.
2. Enter your EOL username and password. Next, click on 'Sign in'
newapplogscreen ds copy.png 
3. A passcode will be sent to the Pearson Authenticator app. Open the app on your mobile device and either copy or make a note of the passcode. 

For further information, including downloading the app to your mobile device and using it to complete the sign-in process. Please see Pearson Portal Authenticator for details. 

Please note: Passcodes last for 60 seconds; they will update in the Pearson Authenticator app every 30 seconds automatically:

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4. Go to the Pearson Application Portal screen on your computer and enter the passcode, then click 'Authenticate':

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5. If you enter a passcode without the required number of digits, you will see the following error message:

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6. Once the correct passcode is entered, you will see the below message; click 'Done':

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7. You will then see the Pearson Application Portal home page. Click on the 'My Apps' option:

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8. You will see various Pearson apps linked to your EOL permissions, i.e., you only see the T level apps if you have that option ticked in your EOL account. 

Click on the 'Edexcel Online' tile:

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The EOL home page will then be displayed:

eol large ds copy.png

For further information, including downloading the app to your mobile device and using it to complete the sign-in process. Please see Pearson Portal Authenticator for details. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Select the question from the list below to expand and view the corresponding answer:

Q: What is the Pearson application portal?

A: The Pearson application portal allows you to access all your authorised apps in one place. This includes Edexcel Online (EOL) and other apps such as ResultsPlus and Exam Wizard. 

Q: What username and password do I use?

A: Please ensure you enter your existing EOL username and password. You must use a valid email address as your username. 

Q: I can't remember my password.

A: Please follow the steps shown below:
1. If you have forgotten your EOL login password, click on the 'Forgot password' link on the screen:
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2. Enter your username in the box, then click on 'Submit':
password 2 ds copy.png  

3. You will see a confirmation message advising we have sent an email containing password reset instructions:
password 2a ds copy.png

4. Open the 'Password Reset Request' email and click the 'Reset Password'. The reset link will expire after 24 hours:
 password 3 ds copy.png

Please note: This e-mail will come from If you do not receive anything within 5 minutes, please check these points:

  • Did you enter the correct e-mail address in the username field?
  • Has our e-mail been intercepted by a junk/spam mail filter? – Please ask your IT department to check for any messages sent from

Your password must be changed within 24 hours of receiving the email. Please repeat the above steps to request a new link if this window is missed.

It is best practice to change your password regularly, using a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters for extra security.

If you have entered a password that has been matched to one of the most commonly used on the internet for additional security, you will see a warning message and be asked to choose another.

Please see Edexcel Online: Resetting your Password for additional support.

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Q: I have logged into the Pearson application portal but can't see an app I need.

A: Applications in the portal will only appear once access has been provided. The following services (once provided) can be accessed via the application portal:

  • Edexcel Online
  • Exam Wizard
  • LWT - Examination/Moderation
  • LWT - Standards Verification
  • Pearson Development Hub
  • ResultsPlus
  • Support Portal
  • T Level Learner and Order
  • T Level Results

If you need access to services, please contact your centres Exams Officer/Administrator. 

General Troubleshooting

Please see some general troubleshooting tips below:   


If you still require support, please get in touch with our Customer Service Team either by creating a case or using one of the following numbers:

  • If you are a UK centre, call 0344 463 2535
  • If you are an International centre, call +44(0) 120 4770 696 

Back to Pearson Portal Authenticator FAQs.

Detailed Instructions


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