
Late Cash-In Requests

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TitleLate Cash-In Requests
URL NameLate-Cash-In-Requests

late cash in.jpg

UK centres (Project qualifications)

To request certification for a candidate who has already completed their qualification, outside of the series entry deadlines, you will need to add a cash-in code. 

This code ties all the units together to produce an overall result. Without a cash-in code, a result or certificate cannot be given; however, only enter a cash-in code once all units have been entered. 

We will charge £4.30 for late requests for a subject award (cash-in) received after the entry deadline. We will charge £46 for late requests made after the deadline for Review of Marking and Moderation.

To make a late cash-in request, please contact us.

For further information, please see our qualification fees website page.

International centres (International A Level & Project qualifications)

We will charge £7.35 for late requests per candidate for a subject award (cash-in) received after the entry deadline.

Please create a new case, including the following details:

  • Centre number
  • Candidate number and name
  • UCI number
  • Qualification and session
  • Cash-in code

If you have multiple requests, click and download this spreadsheet. Complete the 'Late Cash-in' tab in Excel (or other spreadsheet software) and attach your completed file to your case. For further guidance on creating cases, please see Pearson Support Portal: Creating A Case Record.

Please note: if you are a British Council centre, please create a case or email

Cash-in rules

  • Only enter a cash-in code once the correct number of units have been entered to be eligible for the overall award. Entering a cash-in code without the correct number of units will cause the candidate to be ineligible.
  • Do not enter the full A level cash-in code if the AS units have not been completed.
  • Do not enter a cash-in code with no relevant units.
  • If a candidate is resitting a unit, you must enter the relevant cash-in code, providing all units have been completed altogether.

BTEC Tech Awards (from Sept 2022)

For support with making late cash-ins and using the late cash-in window, please see BTEC Tech Awards 2022: Support Index.

Related Articles:
Academic Entry Codes
Entries: UK Centre Entry Deadlines
Entries: International Centre Entry Deadlines
Entries: Making Entries (UK)
Entries: Making Entries (International)
Pearson Support Portal: Creating An Account
Pearson Support Portal (Staff at Centres & Associates): Creating A Case Record


Back to Entries & Registration main index page.



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