Q: I have just been appointed as Quality Nominee (QN). How do I go about notifying Pearson?
A: The first thing you will need to do is notify us that you are the new QN in Edexcel Online (EOL) and ensure that your user profile has the correct permissions.
This must be actioned by your Exams Officer as they have administration rights to edit centre staff accounts.
Within your profile (select 'My Account' at the top of EOL), Quality Nominee should be selected as either your primary or secondary job role.
It is also important to tick the box beneath to confirm you are the QN. Please ensure this is ticked; otherwise, we do not recognise that you are the QN, as our data retrieval for new QNs only identifies the tick box to update our systems. Therefore, after the Exams Officer has edited your account, please check your profile to see that the box is ticked:

Q: What EOL user permissions do I need for my role as QN?
A: You will need to check that you have the correct user permissions, which your Exams Officer can find further down on your user profile screen (accessed via 'My Account' at the top of EOL).
The ones required are listed below. If you are missing some permissions, your Exams Officer will be able to give you the correct access that you need. You might have other permissions because of other roles that you hold, but these are the key ones needed for Quality Nominees:

*Please note: 'OSCA2' and 'OSCA 2 - VQ Centre Super User' options are only applicable for Functional Skills English, as there is no longer a requirement to register as a Lead IV for BTEC programmes.
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Q: I have tried to change the Quality Nominee role in EOL, but it says the role is already assigned to someone else. What can I do?
A: You must first edit the account profile of the previous QN to remove the QN job role. Then, you will be able to edit the new QN’s profile and select the Quality Nominee job role.

Q: I am the Exams Officer/Head of Centre and Quality Nominee. I cannot add the QN role to my EOL account.
A: Edexcel Online (EOL) accounts for centre examination staff and heads of centre are created and managed by Pearson. Any changes required to these accounts should be requested via the change of details form.
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Q: Managing vocational quality
A: For additional help and support for Quality Nominees and BTEC delivery teams, we have created dedicated quality assurance webpages that can be accessed via the Home of Quality Assurance. These webpages provide easy access to quality assurance guides, videos and resources, FAQs, regular updates, training events, live chat with an expert and much more.
We recommend Quality Nominees and BTEC staff join our Quality Nominees Group; here, you can ask questions directly to the Vocational Quality Assurance Management team, browse posts/updates and share ideas and good practice with colleagues.
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