FAQ | Please click the sections below to expand to view the corresponding support:
To help with teacher-examiner workload, and to ensure our commitment to working more digitally, we have developed an online way for centres to submit their candidate speaking recordings to Pearson.
The system is called the digital Learner Work Transfer (LWT) portal. Audio files for GCSE and A Level MFL must be submitted via this portal, which is available to access through Edexcel Online (EOL).
Submissions using USB / CDs will no longer be accepted.
If you have any issues with the LWT system, please contact our Customer Services Teams on 0344 463 2535.
Please note that you should always keep a copy of your candidates’ recordings and paperwork. Should there be any issues with the recording or paperwork uploaded onto LWT, Pearson may request a copy of the candidates' work.
Key dates and deadlines
The speaking assessment window is from 9th April - 14th May 2025.
All speaking recordings should be submitted via our online Learner Work Transfer (LWT) platform within 2 working days of completing the oral examinations for that language qualification in your centre.
The submission deadline for GCSE and GCE MFL candidate speaking recordings is within two working days after the last oral exam for that language has taken place in the centre. The final submission deadline is therefore Friday 16th May 2025. This enables us to ensure that assessments are allocated to our examiners throughout the window and avoids the marking of speaking assessments impacting on the marking of other language qualification components.
Recording formats
Pearson Edexcel only accepts recordings in the following formats:
A full list of supported files can be found here.
If centres record the oral assessment in a different digital format, they must convert the recording to one of the above accepted formats before submitting them to Pearson Edexcel.
Complete, unedited recordings of all assessments must be submitted to Pearson Edexcel via the LWT. There is no need to encrypt the files you are uploading as the LWT portal is secure.
Submitting work to Pearson via LWT
All oral assessment must be recorded digitally and sent to Pearson via a Learner Work Transfer (LWT) portal.
How to use LWT to submit oral assessments
1. Accessing the portal
Access the portal through your Edexcel Online account under Learner Work Transfer. Make sure that you have enabled pop-ups in your browser in order to access the LWT portal:
 An example of the Learner Work Transfer dashboard is shown below. Depending on the state of the request ('To Do', 'In Progress' or 'Completed') the default view will start on a particular tab:

2. Viewing candidates in the portal
The search box can be used to narrow down the results as required. Click the three vertical dots on the right of the request then 'View' Learners to open the request:

You will be presented with a list of all learners entered for the unit. If you have additional learners who have not yet been entered, please make entries for them through the usual process, this should be updated within 24 hours. If you have uploaded evidence for some learners, when the new entries have been added, the request will show a status on 'In Progress (C)' to represent a change.
3. Naming documents for upload
Unit 2 speaking – Tasks 1, 2 and 3 must be recorded as a single track for each candidate.
Centres should upload the completed Candidate Speaking Assessment Record form(s) - CS2.
There must be a separate record form for each tier and candidates should be listed on the forms in candidate number order.
Please note that the CS2 form(s) must be digitally signed by the teacher-examiner.
The Candidate Notes form(s) – CN2 - should be retained securely by the centre until after the results day for that series, but do not need to be uploaded onto the LWT.
You will see a list of learner folders for the candidates entered for the speaking assessment on the digital LWT portal and you will need to upload the correct speaking assessment into the learner folder listed. Every upload must be clearly labelled with the centre name and number and the language being examined.
Please use the following naming convention when uploading GCSE documents to learner folders:
- ‘[unit number]_[tier]_[centre number]_[candidate number]_[surname]_[first letter of first name]’ e.g. ‘1FR0_2F_12345_0012_Bloggs_J’
Please use the following GCSE naming conventions for uploading the accompanying form/documents to learner folders:
- 1FR0_2F_12345_0012_Bloggs_J_candidate recording
- 1FR0_2F_12345_0012_Bloggs_J_CS2
If you are uploading one CS2 for multiple candidates, please use the following naming convention: ‘[centre number]_CS2’ e.g. 12345_CS2
You must link this to file to multiple learners - please see the guidance below on how to do this.
A Level
Unit 3 speaking – Task 1, discussion on a theme, and Task 2, presentation and discussion of the Independent Research Project.
Please note that the CS4 sheet(s) must be signed by the teacher examiner and all candidates listed on the form.
The Independent Research Form (RP3) must be submitted to the teacher-examiner at least three weeks before the speaking window opens. The purpose of this form is to enable the teacher-examiner to prepare for the task 2 discussion. If you have entered for the Visiting Examiner Service, please submit this completed form to your visiting examiner when they contact you and upload this form into the learner folder on the LWT.
You will see a list of learner folders for the candidates entered for the speaking assessment on the digital LWT portal and you will need to upload the correct speaking assessment into the learner folder listed. All recordings must be clearly labelled so that the centre and the candidates can be easily identified.
Please use the following A level naming convention when uploading documents to learner folders:
- [unit number]_[centre number]_[candidate number]_[surname]_[first letter of first name]. For example: 9FR0_3_12345_0012_Bloggs_J
When uploading the documents for each candidate, please use the following naming convention:
- 9FR0_3_12345_0012_Bloggs_J_candidate recording
- 9FR0_3_12345_0012_Bloggs_J_CS4
- 9FR0_3_12345_0012_Bloggs_J_RP3
If you are uploading one CS4 for multiple candidates, please use the following naming convention:
‘[centre number]_CS4’ e.g. 12345_CS4
You must link this to file to multiple learners - please the guidance below on how to do this.
4. Uploading files
To upload learner evidence, click 'Browse' under the learner:

This will open a file explorer. Click on a file to upload or hold down the 'Ctrl' key to select multiple files then click 'Open':

Alternatively drag the files from your computer onto the grey area of the page, where it states, 'Drop files here':

Files uploaded will then display an 'Uploaded' state:

Once the checks are successful it is updated to 'Accepted' or 'Rejected'. If you have uploaded the incorrect document, you can remove it by clicking the 'X' next to the file name:

Please do not zip files. You can hold CTRL down whilst selecting multiple files in the file explorer if you wish to upload multiple files for a single student in one go. LWT is a secure platform, so there is no need to encrypt files.
The portal accepts most of the popular file types including mp3, mp4, jpeg. A full list of accepted file types can be found here.
Any learners who were absent for the assessment, the centre should have their status changed to 'Absent' using the 'Status' dropdown. This will take the place of completing the attendance register.
If the learners work is not available, for example where special considerations is being applied, the status should be changed to 'No Evidence'. Special considerations should be completed via an application following the usual process.

Attendance registers can be uploaded in the 'Administration Material' section. You should only upload documents in this section that are required for the course at the cohort level.
Once you have at least one file uploaded per learner and indicated their Status (Absent/No evidence), you can use the 'Submit Request' option at the top of the screen and also from the 'In Progress' dashboard:

Once a request has been submitted, you will receive a confirmation message, click 'Ok' to proceed:

This will send the request to your assessor and you will no longer be able to add, edit or remove evidence. The completed tab shows requests which have been submitted for assessment:

If the assessor finds that the wrong material have been uploaded, they can return the request to the centre. You should receive an email from the assessor or Pearson. This will show in the 'In Progress' tab with a status 'Returned'. You can then add or remove files before resubmitting the request:

If you realise that incorrect documents have been uploaded and submitted, please contact us immediately to request the submission to be returned for amendment.
5. Linking a file to to multiple learners
Use the 'Shared files' feature to upload a file that must be shared between multiple learners. You can drag and drop files into the grey space or browse to the required file within your system:

You will see the document status of 'Uploaded':
Once the file shows as 'Accepted', you will then be able to link the learners to it. Click on the 3 vertical dots on the right of the shared files area and select 'Manage Shared Files':
Use the dropdown to select a file to see a list of available learners:
Use the checkboxes on the left to select all learners or select specific learners:
When all relevant learners have been selected, click on the 'Save' button:
A confirmation message will be displayed at the top of the page:
Click on 'Back to View Learners' at the top or bottom of the page to return to the request:
The 'shared file' icon next to the filename indicates that this file is associated with multiple learners. Clicking on this icon will display a pop-up list of the learners associated with that file:

6. File with the same name
A file cannot be uploaded directly to a learner or via the shared files functionality if another file with the same name and format has already been uploaded to that card. For example, you cannot upload multiple pdfs called 'speaking form' to the same learner, or within the shared file section. If this occurs an error message is shown:

However, each learner can have a file called 'speaking form' uploaded to their card or associated to them via the shared files functionality.
Please see this video guide (from 5 mins 55 seconds) for step-by-step instructions on how to upload a CS2/CS4 file and link it to multiple candidates. If uploading one CS2/CS4 form for multiple candidates, please name it with your centre number e.g., 12345_CS2 / 12345_CS4.
There is no need to name the CS2/CS4 form with multiple candidate numbers if it is linked to them on LWT in this way.
Additional instructions on accessing LWT can be found here, and guidance on managing uploads is available in video format here. If you need further support, step-by-step guidance and screenshots are provided below. If you have any issues with the LWT system, please contact our Customer Services Teams on 0344 463 2535
Administrative Support Guides (ASGs)
The following guides have also been updated with information on LWT:
Support and contact
To contact us directly, please use the Customer Support Team, select your 'Role' and 'Support type' and you will see a selection of recommended articles, If none of these contain the support you require, then select 'Submit a Case':
Use the request type' Administration & Assessment of Qualifications':

In the 'Subject' field, enter Learner Work Transfer, and in the 'Description' field, enter the qualification and subject and describe your query. Then click 'Submit'. Further detailed guidance on submitting a case record.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Please click on a question listed below to expand and view the corresponding answer:
Q: How do I access Learner Work Transfer?
A: Access is via Edexcel Online (EOL) - our short video guide gives step-by-step instructions on accessing Learner Work Transfer.
Q: I am trying to log in, but get an 'Access Denied' message.
A: You need the 'Basic Access' profile on your EOL account to access Learner Work Transfer – please check with your administrator (usually the exams officer in the centre)that you have this profile ticked.
Q: I am not sure how to upload work to Learner Work Transfer.
A: Please follow the step-by-step guidance in this article. This video guide also provides step-by-step instructions on using Learner Work Transfer to upload and submit learner work. Additional information and guidance is available on our dedicated LWT support page.
Q: What files are accepted?
A: We support a range of common file types, which are listed here. Files up to 8GB in size are accepted. Files must not be password protected – the system is secure so password protection is not required.
Q: I can’t see all the learners for a subject on Learner Work Transfer.
A: Any late entries will show on Learner Work Transfer within 24 hours of being entered. Where late changes to entries were made, you may see both entries appear on your dashboard for the same candidate. You should upload the assessment files to the correct entry and mark the legacy entry as ‘No evidence’ in the ‘Status’ dropdown.
Q: A learner I have withdrawn is still showing on Learner Work Transfer
A: Please use the 'Status' dropdown to mark the learner as 'No evidence' for this learner.
Q: I cannot submit the learner work I have uploaded.
A: Check that all learners either have at least one file uploaded or are marked as absent. Check that all files uploaded have been accepted – any that show as rejected will need to be removed and replaced.
Q: I realised I had uploaded the wrong file after pressing submit.
A: Please contact us and we will ensure that the allocated examiner returns the entry to your centre for amendments to be made.
For support with other FAQs, please see our Learner Work Transfer FAQs page.
Back to Learner Work Transfer (LWT) index page.