To support with teacher and moderator workload and to ensure our commitment to working more digitally, we have developed a digital platform for centres to send Pearson their NEA/coursework samples – this is called the Learner Work Transfer (LWT).
This means that for both GCSE and A Level Component 3 and 4, the sampled work can be submitted digitally using the LWT portal via Edexcel Online and centres are no longer required to post materials offline, e.g. USB or hardcopy.
Remember, centre marks must be submitted onto Edexcel Online in the usual way before the sampled work is uploaded to LWT.
We have videos and guidance tutorials on our website to demonstrate how to navigate the LWT portal; these can be found here.
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The deadline to upload and officially submit the sampled work on the LWT is the following:
- Component 3: 1PE0 GCSE and 9PE0 A Level Practical Performance: 5th May (a copy of the PE2MS with candidates' final marks must be shared with the moderator 15 days before the ‘submission’ day or by 20th April at the latest; that is if centres intend to upload their video evidence on LWT by the deadline date of 5th May).
- Component 4: 1PE0 GCSE Personal Exercise Programme and 9PE0 A Level Performance Analysis/Performance Development Programme: 15th May
Further key dates and procedures are outlined in the Instructions for Conducing NEA document for GCSE and GCE.
Component 3
Due to the nature of the assessment for Component 3, centres are asked not to submit learners identified with a green tick in the “Included in Sample” column on Edexcel Online for sampling submission on the LWT. Instead, the sample size and its additional criteria are outlined in the NEA guidance document as above, to which centres are expected to adhere. Upon receipt of the final centre marks on Edexcel Online and the
PE2MS for all candidates in the cohort, the moderator will review and confirm with the centre which learners and activities the centre will be required to submit work for on the LWT for moderation.
It is important to note that the only work required to be submitted on the LWT is for the learners requested as part of the moderation sample; it is only the work of these learners that must be submitted, not for the whole cohort. However, it is anticipated that those with the highest and lowest centre marks in the cohort will always be requested for sample.
In addition, though a centre opting for a live visit by a moderator will not be required to submit the work on the LWT prior to moderation, they should consider video recording the performance of those sampled learners on the moderation day and later upload the evidence on the LWT. This ensures they are eligible to request a Review of Marking/Moderation (RoMM) service following Results Day. It is important to note that the recording must be the same evidence that was seen by the moderator during their live visit to allow an appeal to proceed. Without this evidence (or incorrect evidence), an appeal of the results outcome cannot be accepted.
Component 4
For Component 4, centres are asked to submit learners identified with a green tick in the “Included in Sample” column on Edexcel Online for sampling submission on the LWT.
However, please note that even when the highest and lowest marked learners in the cohort are not automatically identified as part of the sample on Edexcel Online and via the LWT portal, the centre should still manually include them in the sample list before they proceed with the submission and subsequently for moderation.
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Login on Edexcel Online with your usual username and password.
Hover your mouse over 'Learner Work Transfer' and then click 'Examination/Moderation' from the menu on the left side of the page. Do not select a qualification:

If the new window fails to open, you may need to enable a pop-up window first to allow access to the LWT site. Please review the setting on your computer. Once opened, you may be asked to fill in your username and password again on the LWT portal.
Once logged in, you will see the LWT dashboard. There are three different tabs at the top of the dashboard for the status progress of the requests:
- To Do – new requests - awaiting the centre to start uploading sampled learner work
- In Progress – ongoing - the centre has started to upload sampled learner work but has not yet submitted the request for moderation.
- Completed – submitted - the request which has already been submitted for moderation. It will be a read-only and cannot be edited.

You need to select the 'Moderation' tab for the assessment type. The first few requests for each qualification/component will be shown on the dashboard by default. You can use the search bar to enter the specific qualification/component i.e. 1PE0, 1PE0/03, 1PE0/04 or PHYSICAL EDUCATION:

Once the relevant component/qualification has been found, to manage your learners, click on the 3 vertical dots on the right of the request box to open the request to upload and submit the work/materials:

Once entered on the 'View Learner' page, you will normally be presented with a list of all learners in the cohort selected by Pearson to be part of the sample. However, for Component 3 in particular, you will see there will be no learners in the list being shown automatically – this is because the sample will be determined offline made by the moderator rather than via Pearson’s computerised system. Therefore, once the moderator has provided you with a list of learners for the sample request via the PE2MS, you will then need to manually add those sampled learners on the 'Manage Learners' tab at the top of the page.
Though for Component 4, you will normally be presented with a list of all learners in the cohort selected by Pearson to be part of the sample, you may also need to use the 'Manage Learners' function to add the highest and lowest marked learner in the cohort, if they have not been included in the initial list.

If you cannot find a learner in the list as expected, you need to check the entry list on Edexcel Online. The list of learners on LWT is based on the entries made on Edexcel Online.
When all relevant learners have been ticked:
1) Press 'Save'
2) Click on 'Back to View Learners':
Those sampled learners will then appear on the 'View Learner' page, and you can start uploading the evidence.
On the 'View Learner' page, there are three main sections where evidence can be uploaded:
- Administration material – to upload non-assessment evidence material at the cohort level, e.g. authentication sheet, PE2MS, attendance register etc.
- Shared files – to upload evidence of assessment and assign it to multiple learners, e.g. a competitive match involving several sampled learners in one video.
- Learners – to upload evidence of a learner’s work for moderation, e.g. practical performance, PEP, PDP, training record form

For each learner upload, you must select if they were Present, Absent or No Evidence. You will only be able to upload evidence material for those marked Present. If a learner is part of the sample but marked 'Absent' or 'No Evidence', then the centre should present the work of another learner of a similar ability/mark as part of the sample using the 'Manage Learners' function:

You can either drag and drop files into the grey area for each learner or use the 'Browse' option to navigate to the files to upload using the file explorer:

Once uploaded, files are scanned to ensure they are in an accepted file format and checked for viruses. In this instance, you can navigate away as the checks continue in the background.
The status will show as 'Accepted' if the checks are successful. It is important to note all files uploaded must not be password protected. Otherwise, the file will not be accepted, and the status will show as 'Rejected'. You can hover over the warning icon to review the reason for the rejection

To upload a file and assign it to multiple learners at once, you must drop the evidence files within the Shared Files section. This is good practice for any evidence that involves several sampled learners in one video, e.g. a competitive football match or a swimming race. Once the file status shows as 'Accepted', you will then need to link the selected learners to the file itself. To do this, click on the 3 vertical dots on the right of the Shared Files section and select 'Manage Shared Files':

Once entered, use the dropdown box to select the relevant file to be used for linked learners. Once selected, use the tick boxes on the left against each learner to choose the specific learners you want to link and press the 'Save' button. Click on the 'Back to View Learners' link to return to the 'View Learners' page:

Then, the shared file logo next to the file itself will indicate that this file has been uploaded with multiple learners – clicking on the logo itself will show a pop-up list of the learners associated with that file:

You can use the filter views to monitor the progress of the file uploads:

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When uploading evidence on the sampled learner section, below is the recommended naming convention to aid the moderator with their navigation on the portal for moderation:
[centre no.]_[candidate no.]_[surname]_[first letter of first name]_[type of documentation]
For example:
- 12345_6789_Smith_J_netballmatchvideoperformance
- 12345_6789_Smith_J_athleticsPEP
As a reminder, the following documentation must be completed and uploaded before making a submission:
Component 3: Practical Performance
Administration Material section:
- Signed authentication sheet for each sampled learner (GCSE and A Level)
- A completed, final centre version of the PE2MS to be shared with the moderator for sample selection (GCSE only)
Individual Learner/Shared Files section:
- Video recording of the performance – both skills in isolation/unopposed situations and formal/competitive situations (GCSE and A Level)
- Any useful, additional notes, i.e. timeline of the activity or commentary (not compulsory) (GCSE and A Level)
Component 4: Personal Exercise Programme (PEP) and Performance Analysis/Performance Development Programme (PA/PDP)
Administration Material section:
- Signed authentication sheet for each sampled learner (GCSE and A Level)
Individual Learner/Shared Files section:
- PEP (GCSE) & PA/PDP (A Level)
- PARQ (GCSE – if not included in the PEP)
- Training Record Form (GCSE and A Level)
- Any useful, additional notes, i.e. additional data, coaching/witness statement (not compulsory) (GCSE and A Level)
The above documentation is available to download and use in the Forms and Administration section on both GCSE and GCE webpages.
A list of the accepted image, video, document file formats for upload on LWT can be found here.
The LWT portal is a secure platform and encryption/password protection is not needed. Therefore, please do not attempt to encrypt or password-protect the file(s) you are uploading; otherwise, they will be rejected as invalid.
For Component 3, you may want to consider breaking down the video of the individual overall performance into different phases of that performance. For example, it is good practice to upload one file concentrating on the skills in isolation/unopposed situations and another file concentrating on the formal/competitive situations.
Also, any competitive element, such as a game match, should only be uploaded once for multiple learners that have been sampled in the Shared File section rather than via each individual learner’s section – the same applies to filming a number of sampled learners performing the skills in isolation. This is to reduce the length of time for uploading, scanning and downloading the learner’s files on the portal – please refer to the step-by-step process on uploading the work in the Shared File section.
Remember, the video evidence of that performance must be undertaken in one session as opposed to over a number of weeks so that we receive a realistic view of the performance as it actually happens. It is important to note that, as per the specification, the performance itself must be a continuous and unedited recording which means it is not acceptable for centres to edit together several clips to highlight performances taken at a different time. Centres should avoid uploading a series of clips altogether; they must be filmed and uploaded footage as one whole entity.
For further guidance and support with recording learners performances, please refer to the prerecord training on our subject webpage here, titled “A Guidance on Video Recording for Practical Performance”, for best practice.
Additional guidance is available in the relevant specification:
We have videos and guidance tutorials on our website to demonstrate how to manage a moderation request; these can be found here.
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Once you have uploaded all the necessary documentation and evidence for each sampled learner, click the 'Submit Request' option to officially submit for moderation:

There will be a pop-up window to confirm that you are happy to proceed with the submission, and you should press 'Ok' if yes.
Once submitted, the request will be in the 'Completed' tab and will show 'Submitted' and is now only in a read state – no amendments can be made:

If you have made a mistake or have forgotten to upload more documentation or evidence after the submission stage, you can contact your allocated moderator and ask them to take action to ‘return’ the request in order for you to edit again. Once they do this, the case will move to the ‘In Progress’ tab with the status ‘Returned’, and you can add and/or remove a file(s). Once you have completed the action as requested, you should proceed with ‘Submit Request’ as above for completion.
Please be aware that if your allocated moderator thinks a mistake has been made or there is missing documentation or evidence, they will return the request to the centre for resubmission – please ensure to regularly review your cases on the LWT portal. Also, the allocated moderator might request an additional sample. If this is required, the moderator will return the request, enabling the centre to select additional learners via 'Manage Learners', upload their work, and re-submit the request back to the moderator.
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A full list of FAQs on LWT can be found here.
For detailed guides, including ICE documents, form guidance checklist etc.
To contact us directly, please use the Customer Support Portal. When on the portal, enter your customer type (if not already set up) and use the request type' Administration & Assessment of Qualifications':
In the 'Subject' field, enter Learner Work Transfer, and in the 'Description' field, enter the qualification and subject and describe your query. Then click 'Submit'. Further detailed guidance on submitting a case record.
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