Please select from the following options:
The best result of the last two sittings will count towards the overall result providing the same UCI number has been used. |
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Providing the specification is still valid, please check the exam availability in the information manual.
The example below shows that International A Level (IAL) Accounting is available in multiple sessions, whereas IAL Arabic is only available in January and June.
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Resitting IAL units
Any unit can be resat by a candidate. The better of their two most recent non-absent attempts at an IAL unit will be available for aggregation to a qualification grade. The exception is the IAL Mathematics suite. Please see the document Aggregation Rules and Guidance (PDF download). |
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For all linear entries (all GCSE, International GCSE and some GCE), a candidate MUST sit all papers within the entry and not just one paper. For legacy specifications (including all IAL), a candidate can resit just one paper at a time. |
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For some specifications, a candidate can carry forward coursework. Please speak to your subject adviser for clarification. |
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