We will host a series of online sessions of the Exams Officer Updates during 2024/2025. These live events go through news, updates and various areas to support you in the coming months.
Recordings of previous events
Upcoming events
Pearson Development Hub
You access the above recordings using your Edexcel Online credentials on the new Pearson Development Hub.
Please see Pearson Development Hub: How To Access The System for detailed information and access guidance.
Please note: the Development Hub is currently only available to centre users with a registered Edexcel Online account. You will use those Edexcel Online credentials to access the system. If you do not have an Edexcel Online account, please contact your Exams Manager or Exams Officer and ask them to create one for you. Please see Edexcel Online: Create A New Account for further details about creating Edexcel Online accounts.
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