It is the responsibility of everyone present during exams at the centre to ensure that prohibited items are not allowed within the examination room.
In the examination room, candidates must not have access to items other than those stated in the instructions on the question paper, the stationery list or the specification for that subject.
Candidates are not permitted access to any potential technological/web-enabled sources of information, such as:
- iPods;
- mobile phones;
- MP3/4 players or similar device;
- watches.
This means that:
- ideally, all unauthorised items are left outside of the examination room;
- any pencil cases taken into the examination room must be see-through;
- any unauthorised items that have been taken into the examination room must be placed out of reach of the candidates (and not under their desks) before the examination starts. This would normally be at the front of the examination room or a similar arrangement that enables the invigilator to control access to the items.
For further information, please refer to the JCQ ICE document (Instructions for Conducting Examinations) from Section 18.4 (page 40).
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