With the introduction of reformed linear GCSEs, candidates must be entered for one tier and sit all components within a subject at the same tier (Foundation or Higher).
This covers GCSE Maths, International GCSE Maths, Single Sciences (Biology, Chemistry & Physics), Combined Science and Languages.
Mixed-tier entry is strictly prohibited for the qualifications above. Centres should make sure that all candidates sit all components at the same tier, and this should be identical to the tier of entry.
What happens if a candidate completes a component at the wrong tier?
Irrespective of what tier the candidate/centre think is appropriate the candidate must continue to sit the remaining components at the tier of entry.
Paper return instructions:
On the original attendance register mark the candidate as absent with a note stating which tier has been sat in error.
Add the candidate's name to the attendance register for the tier taken in error and mark them as present for that tier.
The candidate's paper should then be returned with the other papers for that tier. For example, if a candidate sat a GCSE Maths Higher tier paper in error, then that paper should be returned with the other candidates that also sat the GCSE Maths Higher tier paper.
Exception cases only
If there was an administrative mistake made at the time of making entries and you can provide details/evidence to explain how the administrative error was made, the candidate may sit the remaining components at a different tier of entry.
You will need to send the evidence to us as well as an amendment file to correct the candidate's entry. You should apply for Special Considerations for the candidate, as they won’t have sat all components at the same tier.
What if you have discovered a candidate has started a component at the wrong tier before the exam has finished?
If you have an issue where a candidate has begun a paper at the wrong tier, and this has been identified before the exam has finished, please store the incorrectly tiered paper in your secure storage until the end of the post-results window and give the candidate a paper with the tier for which they were entered. You may apply for a special consideration on behalf of the candidate if you feel they may have been disadvantaged from initially sitting the incorrect paper.
A candidate has taken the wrong tier. Special consideration has been applied; will the entry be changed?
No, the entry will remain the same.
If an entry is amended, will I be charged high late fees?
Yes, you will, but an entry will only be amended if the candidate sits all papers at the wrong tier; our Results Resolution team would do this once the final paper is received.
What if a candidate sits a paper for another board by mistake?
Please see Exams: Candidate Sat Wrong Board's Exam Paper for guidance.
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