1. Select your qualification from the drop-down box, hover over 'Candidates' and click on 'Search by candidate':

2. Select the Session and enter the candidate number. Click 'Next':

3. A new window will appear. Click on 'Details' highlighted in blue:

4. Click on 'Edit' at the bottom of the page:

5. To add a unit/award: Under the table of entries you will find 2 drop-down boxes;
- Add Unit Entry (legacy qualifications)
- Add Award Entry (current linear subjects and legacy award codes/cash-in codes).
In the relevant down box, select the required entry code and click on 'Add to list'.
It will now appear in the table, click on 'Save' at the bottom:

*NB - To remove a unit/award code:
Within the table, you will see on the right side under the 'Withdraw' column a link named, 'Delete'.
You can remove single units/award codes here; however, if it leaves no units or awards at all, you must add another unit/award code or delete the entire candidate at the bottom of the screen.
After the amendment has been completed, click 'Save' at the bottom of the page:

6. If the selected Award code has available options, you can set them in the table of entries by selecting the drop-down box in the 'Options' column. After the amendment has been completed, click 'Save' at the bottom of the page: Further information about available option codes can be found in the Pearson Information Manual:

*NB - If you require entry codes for GCSE History, please use our GCSE History entry code calculator.
Removing unit fees
Any subject or unit fee will be refunded automatically up to the high late fee deadline. If you withdraw an entry after this deadline, no refund will be issued without supporting medical evidence. If a late entry is withdrawn by the high late fee deadline, only the entry fee is refunded.
Adding unit fees
Any subject or unit fee will be charged automatically depending on the current deadline.
You may be invoiced separately for late fees.
Amendment files (EDI)
If you wish to make these changes via an EDI amendment file, then please note that you need to do so at least two weeks before the session closes on the appropriate results day, e.g. for Summer GCSE entries you should ensure that any amendment files are sent before 7th August. If you send us a file after the deadline, we will always send you an email telling you it has not been processed. Depending on the nature of the amendment, you may need to manually update your MIS when we send you a file.
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