Pearson will accept evidence of an apprentice's portfolio if stored in an electronic portfolio system rather than being uploaded directly to ACE360.
Once you have been contacted by a Pearson representative, you will be required to provide access to the electronic portfolio system where the apprentice's evidence is located. This is required to review the apprentice's gateway evidence.
We ask that you upload all the apprentice's EPA evidence into a file and use the reference document, this will help the independent end-point assessor (IEA) in reviewing the appropriate evidence rather than the whole portfolio.
Please use the latest evidence which supports the Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviours (KSBs) of the assessment plan.
Related EPA Articles:
End-point Assessment: Paediatric First Aid Certificate for Early Years Educator EPA
End-point Assessment: Acceptable Evidence for Gateway
End-point Assessment: Gateway Evidence Uploaded & Apprentice Status Unchanged
End-point Assessment: Updating Expected Gateway Dates
End-point Assessment: Break in Learning and Resuming Learning
End-point Assessment: Submitting Reasonable Adjustments Requests
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