Rogo is a highly customisable online assessment platform that is utilised by multiple organisations around the world. In August 2022, Rogo reported they had successfully delivered over 2.2 million online tests.
Pearson has selected Rogo to become its primary supplier for delivering all our End-point Assessment (EPA) knowledge tests. One of the main attractions is the integration with ACE360, the platform Pearson currently uses for EPA registration and grade reporting.
Rogo delivers onscreen tests via an internet browser, removing the need to download and install offline software to administer tests to apprentices.
Included with Rogo is a remote invigilation service that allows apprentices to take their EPA knowledge tests comfortably at home or at work without requiring an invigilator.
A conventional invigilated onscreen test or a remote invigilated test can be chosen as the most suitable option by training providers when scheduling their apprentices' EPA knowledge tests through ACE360's booking tool.
It is capable of indicating an apprentice's level of performance, based on the learning outcomes linked with the test's questions without disclosing the actual answers, as intended.
All End-point Assessments with a tested component will have knowledge tests available.
Rogo allows apprentices to take EPA knowledge tests using both traditional invigilated (in-person) onscreen tests and remote invigilated tests, where the apprentice can take the test in the comfort of their own home.
Pearson will carefully examine all of the footage from the three cameras: webcam, mobile camera, and screenshare.
This approach allows Pearson quick access to the test recordings, enabling a prompt response if necessary whilst maintaining consistency in the standardisation of invigilation. This invigilation method also acts as an effective deterrent to cheating and other forms of misconduct.
Booking EPA knowledge tests is done through ACE360's booking tool after you have been linked with Pearson as your chosen EPAO (End-point Assessment Organisation). The chosen date and time of the EPA knowledge test will be created in Rogo externally by a team of experts*. You will not need to login to Rogo to book the EPA knowledge test.
*coming soon - an API (application programming interface) will perform this function automatically between ACE360 and Rogo.
Increased benefits of using the remote invigilation service include greater freedom in terms of location and removes travel times for both the apprentice and invigilator. In addition to delivering a short and long-term solution for online test invigilation.
Benefits to Apprentices |
- Minimises travel time; the EPA knowledge test can be taken in a suitable location of an apprentice's choosing.
- EPA knowledge tests can be scheduled to be taken at a time that is convenient for the apprentice so that it fits around their home/work commitments.
- Apprentices can take their test in a familiar environment which can reduce the anxiety that a testing room may cause.
- No computer downloads, allowing apprentices to focus on the EPA knowledge test.
- Pearson will provide clear, comprehensive guidance to support apprentices as they prepare to take their EPA knowledge test remotely.
Increased benefits of using the remote invigilation service include greater freedom in terms of location and removes travel times for both the apprentice and invigilator. In addition to delivering a short and long-term solution for online test invigilation.
Benefits to Training Providers |
- Using Rogo for their apprentice's EPA knowledge test, training providers will no longer be required to login to separate systems to book different components of the EPA.
- The integration with ACE360 significantly reduces the possibility of voiding EPA knowledge test results by preventing bookings from being made before the apprentice is EPA-ready.
- Eliminates the need to arrange an invigilator, saving time and resources.
- No need to download software onto computers to run the onscreen EPA knowledge test.
- EPA knowledge tests can be taken at home, reducing the pressure with on-site testing.
- Removes the need for invigilators or assessors to travel to the testing venue, reducing their workload.
- Reduces the workload for test administration, such as training, timetabling, and logistics.
You will be soon able to access the test results from Rogo directly, however, in the interim Pearson will upload test results to the apprentices' shared documents area in ACE360.
Pearson is absorbing the costs of any remote invigilation test attempt.
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