
End-point Assessment: Rogo - Apprentice FAQs

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TitleEnd-point Assessment: Rogo - Apprentice FAQs
URL NameEnd-point-Assessment-Rogo-Apprentice-FAQs


Before the EPA Knowledge Test


During the EPA Knowledge Test


After the EPA Knowledge Test


Before the EPA Knowledge Test
During the EPA Knowledge Test
After the EPA Knowledge Test

Before the EPA Knowledge Test

How will I know if remote invigilation is suitable for me?
Your college, or training provider will discuss what is required to use the remote invigilation service with you. You should review all of the apprentice guidance available to you to ensure that your equipment meets the requirements and that you have a suitable location where you can take your EPA knowledge test without any interruption.
What do I need to take my EPA knowledge test using remote invigilation?
The equipment you will need is a computer with a Windows operating system, a working webcam, speakers, and a microphone. You will also need to be able to access an internet browser such as Chrome or Edge and be able to share your screen. A smart device such as a smartphone or tablet is also required. You will need a quiet space that is well-lit and where you will not be interrupted for the duration of your assessment. You can find more detailed information about the requirements in the apprentice technical support and apprentice checklist articles.
How will I know when my EPA knowledge test is booked?
Your college or training provider will inform you of the date and time that your EPA knowledge test has been booked for. Additionally, you will be sent an automatic email from Rogo with details as a reminder.
How will I access my EPA knowledge test?
Once your college or training provider has booked your EPA knowledge test with Pearson, you will receive an email from "" at least 48 hours before the date that your EPA knowledge test is booked. You must follow the instructions that are provided in that email and pass all the checks (where applicable) prior to starting. You can access the EPA knowledge test at any time throughout the day of the scheduled date. If you are not able to pass all the checks or encounter difficulties, please contact your college or training provider.
What if I don't receive the email to access Rogo?
You should receive your welcome email at least 5 working days before your test date. If you have not received this email, please check your junk/spam email folders. If you are using your work email address, please check with your employer that the email from "" is not being quarantined by your organisation's email filters. If you still have not received the welcome email, please contact your college or training provider as soon as possible.
If I am taking my EPA knowledge test on my work computer, is there anything I need to ask my employer?
Yes, you will need to speak to your employer and ask that the website be added to whitelists so that it is made accessible and is not being blocked. You should also ensure that the email address is not blocked if you are using your work email address.
Who do I inform if I need to change the date of my EPA knowledge test?
You should inform your college or training provider as soon as you become aware that you are not going to be able to attend your EPA knowledge test.

During the EPA Knowledge Test

Are Chrome or Edge add-ons/plug-ins allowed to be enabled when I am taking my EPA knowledge test?
Yes, providing the add-on has been approved to be used. Your training provider can request the use of add-ons to be permitted via a reasonable adjustment request.
Do I need to install anything?
No software needs to be installed on your computer; Rogo uses an internet browser to deliver the EPA knowledge test.
What type of computer can I use?
You can use a computer with either a Windows or a MacOS operating system; Rogo is currently not supported on tablets to take the EPA knowledge test.
What type of smart device do I need to scan the QR code?
You can use any Apple iOS or Android smartphone or tablet with a camera or a dedicated QR code reader application. Further details can be found in the technical requirements support article.
Can I take a break away from my computer during the EPA knowledge test?
No, you must be on camera at your computer for the duration of your EPA knowledge test. If you leave the computer mid-test, consequently, the result may be marked as void.
Do I have to log in at the exact time my EPA knowledge test is booked for?
No, you can access the EPA knowledge at any time on the date that it has been scheduled.
Can I wear headphones or earpods?
Headphones and earpods are not permitted when you are taking your assessment using the remote invigilation service. As part of the checks you will complete, you must ensure that your computer microphone and speakers work. You will also be asked to show your ears to the camera when preparing to take your EPA knowledge test to show that you are not using any headphones. If you wear a hearing device, please inform your college or training provider so that they can make us aware when booking your EPA knowledge test.
Can I have food and drink when taking my EPA knowledge test?
You are permitted to have a drink as long as it is in a clear glass or bottle with no labels. As with any form of delivery, you should not eat any food whilst taking your assessment.
Can someone else be in the room when I take my EPA knowledge test?
No, you must be alone for the duration of your EPA knowledge test (only applicable when using the remote invigilation service). You must ensure that you have a quiet place where you will not be interrupted when taking your EPA knowledge test. This can be in your home or your workplace but should not be in a public place such as a coffee shop or library.
How do I get support if I have questions throughout my EPA knowledge test?
  • If you are being invigilated by someone in your workplace, college, or training provider - please consult with the designated invigilator for further guidance. 
  • If this is being taken through the remote invigilation service, please contact your training provider for further guidance or consult the support articles available on the Support Portal.
You should ask your college or learning provider any questions you might have about the format, style, or learning required ahead of your EPA knowledge test; you can also ask them to set you up with a practice EPA knowledge test before you are entered for the live test. 
What form of ID can I use?
Valid ID can be - a passport, driving licence, photographic work ID, or photographic college ID. You will be asked to show your ID to your webcam during the setup for your remote invigilation session. You must ensure that the image you take of your ID clearly shows your photograph and name.
Where can I take my EPA knowledge test?
For a remote invigilation session, you can take your EPA knowledge test in a quiet place where you will not be interrupted. This can be in your home or your workplace but should not be in a public place such as a coffee shop or library.

After the EPA Knowledge Test

Who will have access to the recordings?
The recordings of your remote invigilation session will be reviewed by a Pearson invigilator; they will ensure that the EPA knowledge test was taken in the correct environment and that there were no compromises of any of the requirements. If there are any concerns about any part of the recording, your college or training provider will be contacted by Pearson so that we can investigate further.
The recordings will be stored securely until all reviews have been completed and your results have been provided to your college or training provider.
Detailed Instructions
Not Applicable

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