Yes, after the apprentice is Approved for EPA - you can request a date for the assessment of your choosing (subject to assessor availability) using ACE360's booking tool.
Using the built-in booking tool functionality in ACE360 allows for greater flexibility which also gives training providers visibility of each stage of the assessment booking process. This is shown visually by monitoring the booking dashboard.
For details on how to book your apprentice's assessment, please refer to this article.
Please note: the EPA Delivery team asks that assessment dates are not less than five working days of the booking request to ensure IEA (Independent End-Point Assessor) availability. This is dependent on the apprenticeship standard, as some require additional lead time, for instance, Healthcare, Pharmacy Services Assistant, and Sports Coach.
Furthermore, for any apprenticeship standard which includes a multiple-choice test component - please do not use the booking tool to select this as ACE360 does not speak with Pearson systems such as Edexcel Online. For this component, please follow the normal process and either book the onscreen version via Edexcel Online or use the webform for paper-based versions of the multiple-choice test.
Related EPA Articles:
End-point Assessment: Booking & Scheduling an EPA
End-point Assessment: Confirmation of an EPA Booking Request
End-point Assessment: Changing/Amending Assessment Bookings
End-point Assessment: Support Following a Failed EPA
End-point Assessment: Scheduling Re-sits
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