There is no cost to the college/training provider for using ACE360 if they choose Pearson as the End-Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO).
The ACE360 business model and invoicing system are based on the requirement to purchase 'tokens' to register apprentices on the ACE360 system.
Pearson will give you a £9.0 rebate on your EPA price per apprentice to cover the cost of using ACE360.
Full costs of each apprenticeship EPA can be found on the website page linked below:
*please note token price from ACE360 went up from £5 to £7.50 on 1st October 2022
Related EPA Articles:
End-point Assessment: New and Existing Customers
End-point Assessment: Adding Standards to ACE360
End-point Assessment: Creating/Registering Apprentices in ACE360
End-point Assessment: Adding Purchase Order (PO) Numbers to Registrations
End-point Assessment: ACE360 Refund Policy For Apprentice 'Withdrawals'
End-point Assessment: ACE360 Key Definitions
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