This process is only appropriate for the framework registrations on Edexcel Online (EOL). For Apprenticeship registrations made on ACE360, please see EPA Delivery Index.
To claim for an Apprenticeship Framework please click to see a step by step guide.
1. To sign in, please go to https://edexcelonline.pearson.com; you will be asked to enter your usual Edexcel Online credentials, and once you click sign in, a verification code will be sent to the Pearson Authenticator app.
For further information, including downloading the app to your mobile device and using it to complete the sign-in process. Please see Pearson Portal Authenticator for details.
2. You will then be directed to the EOL home page.3. Select 'Apprenticeships' from the Qualification menu in the upper left corner of the web page:

4. Select 'Candidates' and then 'Search for Candidates' from the menu on the left side of the web page:

5. Select the year of registration in the first drop-down box and then add data to the search fields before clicking 'Search' at the bottom of the page. If you already have the learner's registration number, use this instead of the name or other details, as this is unique and will match exactly with the records you are trying to access:

Please note: You may use % as a wildcard to maximise your search results.
For example, adding L% to the registration number field will list all learners whose registration number begins with L. Adding Jo% to the last name field will list names Jones, Johns, Johnson etc.
6. A list of learner records that match your search criteria will appear in the middle of the page. Click on the '+' symbol next to the learner record that you wish to view:

7. Each element of the apprenticeship framework will be listed below the learner details. To claim certification for one of the listed qualifications, click on the 'Details' option on the right:

8. You will be presented with the selected learner record for the qualification you need to claim:

Locate the row of buttons at the bottom of the window and click 'Edit':

Please note: If you do not see the pop-up window, your browser may have blocked it. Please see Pop-up Blocker - How To Disable for further guidance specific to your browser.
9. Approximately halfway down the page, you will find a section titled 'Claim Type'. Selecting 1 of the 3 options will allow the reporting of unit results:

These options will have different effects on the learners registration and produce different certificate documents:
- Full Award – Used to report achievement and issue a final certificate to complete the programme.
- Interim – Used to issue a unit certificate showing partial achievement and allow for future claims to be made.
- Fallback – Used to issue a unit certificate and close the registration (Only use this if you are sure the learner will not return to complete the programme).
10. Once the 'Claim Type' has been decided, you can add the individual unit results to the table at the bottom of the page. Some qualifications are 'Pass Only', where units do not have different grade descriptions.
Edexcel Online will only provide the ability to report a valid grade, and as such, other grade columns may not be selectable as per the image below:

11. If the selected 'Claim Type' is 'Full Award' or 'Fallback', you are required to add an 'Award Date' to signify programme completion in the box underneath the table before clicking 'Save' at the bottom of the page to complete the claim process:

12. The page will now show 'Pending' in the 'Award Eligible' section, showing the claimed result. If a confirmation report is required, you can download one by clicking the 'Confirmation Report' button at the bottom of the page.
Eligibility is checked to ensure a candidate has done a valid combination of units before a document is produced and dispatched.
Please note: It is the responsibility of each centre to ensure their claims are eligible and that any ineligibility issues are addressed.
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