Step-by-step process - click to expand.
1. To sign in, please go to You will be asked to enter your Edexcel Online credentials, and once you click sign in, you will be prompted to enter a verification code, which can be found within Pearson Authenticator app.
The app is needed to complete the sign in process, and you will not be able to access the site without entering a verification code. Details on how to install and use the app can be found within our Pearson Portal Authenticator article.
2. You will then see the Pearson application portal home page. Click on the 'My Apps' option:
3. Various Pearson apps will be displayed; apps are linked to your EOL permissions; click on the app named 'Edexcel Online Account Confirmation':

4. The Edexcel Online Account Confirmation home page will be displayed:
5. For centres with multiple sub-sites or linked centres, you can select the relevant centre/subsite from the top right-hand corner. Click on 'Select Centre':

6. Enter the centre subsite number, then click on the magnifying glass icon:

7. To access the review, click on the 'User Account Review' option:
8. You will now see a complete contact list of all Head of Centre and Examinations staff at your centre, which we will require confirmation on:

9. If, when logged in, you see accounts from other centres within the MAT (Multi-Academy Trust), this is because your account has also had other centre numbers ticked on your EOL profile. If your profile is not correct, please work with your MAT to correct them within EOL:

10. One person from each centre who has one of the listed HOC accounts will be required to confirm one of the following options for each individual account under the status drop-down for each user account:
- Correct - this account is still active, the contact is still working at the centre, and has all access required.
- Amend - If an amendment is required for this account, your exams officer can make these amendments directly on Edexcel Online for most users. For Head of Centre or Exams Officer accounts, you will need to complete an online form to request any amendments.*
- Delete - this account access needs to be deleted. Your exams officer can remove accounts at any time by selecting the red cross next to the account within Edexcel Online. Please see: Edexcel Online: Deleting Accounts.

* A separate window will open if the 'Amend' option has been selected. Enter your EOL login details, and you will be directed to the online form to request the relevant amendments:
11. If you notice there are any errors, before submitting the confirmation, you can reset all account statuses by clicking the 'Clear' option:
12. Once you have updated the status for all accounts shown, complete the tick boxes to confirm that all accounts have been checked and you confirm that the list is now accurate:

13. After submitting your confirmation, you will see a message at the top of the screen advising the account review has been successfully submitted:

14. To log out of the review screen, click the circle with your initials located at the top right corner of the screen and click 'Sign out'; clicking this will sign you out of all Pearson applications: