
Edexcel Online: Academic Eligibility

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TitleEdexcel Online: Academic Eligibility
URL NameEdexcel-Online-Academic-Eligibility
What is eligibility and how can I check this?


To be eligible for an award, a learner must:

  • be entered for, or have taken, all the required units within the individual specification
  • be entered with the same UCI number across all exam sessions
  • be entered with the same name (in the same fields) and date of birth across all exam sessions

Common reasons for learners showing as ineligible can include:

Duplicate UCI numbersCheck the learner has not got more than 1 UCI number across previous sessions. See our UCI Numbers page.
Mis-match with detailsThe learner may be entered at another centre with different personal details. You will need to check they are the same by contacting the other centre.
Incorrect entry codes enteredEnsure the correct unit codes have been entered to match the cash in code. *Check the Information manual.
Not enough entries madeEnsure the correct amount of units have been entered to match the cash in. If not, please remove the cash in code. *Check the Information manual.
Transfer Of CreditFor GCE and Functional Skills only. A learner may have been transferred over from another exam board. 
If the credit transfer has not yet been completed, the learner may show as ineligible. Please contact us if you have any concerns.
Prerequisites not metFor GCE/IAL Mathematics. An example would be; a learner may have been entered for Further Maths however has not completed one or more of the prerequisites. 
You must ensure these have been completed by checking all details are correct across previous sessions. If the prerequisites have not been met, the cash in code will need to be removed.
Please see more information regarding aggregations rules here. Rule 4 states 'A student cannot be awarded IAL Further Mathematics until they have been awarded IAL Mathematics (either previously or concurrently).'
The cashin combination XMA01 and XPM01 is forbidden within the same exam seriesFor IAL Mathematics. Please check all units entered previously for the candidates, you may need to remove the YPM01 cash in code.

    You can check your academic eligibilities by following the below video guide.

    Detailed Instructions


    If you have any personal detail amendments, UCI merge or late cash in requests, please complete the relevant tab on this spreadsheet link and click on download to open in Excel.

    We will also contact you closer to the exams to advise of any ineligible learners, however we recommend you check all required units within each subject in the Information Manual.

    You can also refer to our eligibility guidance page on our main website for more information.

    Edexcel IAL Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Pure Mathematics Aggregation Rules – Guidance for Centres.

    Related Article:
    Academic Entry Codes

    Back to Entries & Registration index page.

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