
EDI BTEC Basedata: Registration 9B And Results 7B File Requests

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TitleEDI BTEC Basedata: Registration 9B And Results 7B File Requests
URL NameEDI-BTEC-Basedata-Registration-9B-And-Results-7B-File-Requests
How do I obtain BTEC learner registration basedata?
How do I obtain overall BTEC learner results via EDI? 

Please click on the options below to see guidance:

Registration Entry 9B files 

To locate EDI BTEC learner registration basedata, please click on the image in the 'How to get a 7B file' section.

Registration files, once created, can then be sent to us via A2C

Results Entry 7B files

To receive learners' overall results via EDI in August, please ensure you have submitted a Results Entry 7B file to us by Wednesday 31 May.

We recommend that you send these files to us as soon as possible, as this will ensure we can resolve any potential queries before August.

Please note: even if you send us a 7B file, you still need to make a full award claim for each learner on Edexcel Online.

Submitting a 7B file does not replace centres making claims. It simply informs us which learners centres have or will be making full award claims for each summer series.

For example, if you send us a 7B file but still need to make full awards claims for the learners, the information in the file will show each learner's grade as a Q (pending) grade. 

How to get a 7B file
  1. Log in to Edexcel Online, choose BTEC & Functional Skills, then select EDI Basedata from the left-hand menu options.
  2. Change the Basedata Subtype drop-down to Results Entry 7B, make sure the Approval Year is 2024/25 and the Programme drop-down is All Approved Programmes.
  3. Click Submit, and JCQ basedata will be emailed to you.
  4. You will then be able to import this basedata into your MIS and create your own Results Entry 7B results request file for the learners you need results for, which you can then send to us via A2C.

The above steps are also included in the below interactive guide.

Once received, this can then be imported into your centre’s Management Information System (MIS). 

Important information

A new version of the A2C transport application was made available over a year ago, and centres were encouraged to download this as it supports a more secure transport mechanism.

We disabled any older version on 29 September 2023, which means you will be unable to connect to the A2C server unless you update to the new version that is available.  

Please download the new version of the A2C transport application as soon as possible.

Related Articles:
Registrations: Transfers
Registrations: Top Ups
Edexcel Online: Viewing Active BTEC Learner Registrations
BTEC: Making Bulk Registrations
BTEC: Making Individual Registrations
BTEC Deletion Process

Back to A2C & EDI/Basedata Information And Support index page.
Back to Results, Post-Results & Appeals index page.

Detailed Instructions


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