
Conducting BTEC External Assessments

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TitleConducting BTEC External Assessments
URL NameConducting-BTEC-External-Assessments
Do you have guidelines to help me conduct BTEC controlled assessments?

Please click below to download the BTEC Instructions for Conducting External Assessment (ICEA) document for BTEC Firsts, Tech Awards, Technicals and Nationals:

Spreadsheet icon.pngBTEC Instructions for Conducting External Assessments (ICEA) - [PDF Download]

This guide provides you with the information you need to carry out external assessments, including who’s responsible at each stage, and additional advice around best practice.

Please also refer to the individual subject Administrative Support Guides (ASGs) which can be located within the 'Course Materials' section of each subject area. For assistance in locating these documents, please see BTEC: Locating Specifications and Administrative Support Guides.

Please see BTEC External Assessments for additional information.

For JCQ policies and documents for taking examinations and additional regulatory guidance, please see Instructions For The Conduct Of Examinations (ICE), JCQ Documents & General Exam Regulations.

Back to Exam Administration index page.
Detailed Instructions


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