Edexcel Online Account Confirmation and Terms & Conditions Interactive Guide
For UK Centre's offering General Qualifications only or International Centre's offering Vocational and/ or General qualifications, please see our Interactive Guide on completing the Edexcel Online Account Confirmation and Terms & Conditions

A full step-by-step can be seen below:
Standalone Terms & Conditions Step-by-Step Guide
1. To sign in, please go to https://userportal.pqs.pearsonprd.tech/. You will be asked to enter your Edexcel Online credentials, and once you click sign in, you will be prompted to enter a verification code, which can be found within Pearson Authenticator app.
The app is needed to complete the sign in process, and you will not be able to access the site without entering a verification code. Details on how to install and use the app can be found within our Pearson Portal Authenticator article.
2. You will then see the Pearson application portal home page. Click on the 'My Apps' option:
3. Various Pearson apps will be displayed based on your Edexcel Online permissions. Click on the app named 'Edexcel Online Account Confirmation':
4. The Edexcel Online Account Confirmation home page will be displayed, where you will select the ’Terms and Conditions’ link:
5. On the Terms and Conditions page, click the ‘View terms and conditions’ link to view the full document:
6. After reading through the terms and conditions document, select the 'tick box' to confirm and then click 'Submit Confirmation':
7. After submitting your confirmation, you will see a message advising the account review has been successfully submitted. You can also find confirmation on the terms and conditions landing screen, detailing who submitted the confirmation and the date and time of submission:
8. To log out of the review screen, click the circle with your initials located at the top right corner of the screen and click 'Sign out'; clicking this will sign you out of all Pearson applications:
Related Articles:
Edexcel Online: Account Confirmation
Logging In And Accessing Pearson Services Using The Pearson Portal
Edexcel Online: Access And Logging In Troubleshooting
Edexcel Online (EOL) Accounts