The quickest and easiest way to make internal/external assessment entries for your learners is via EDI. You can use EDI basedata to transfer data between awarding bodies and centres. The most up-to-date version can be downloaded from our website.
Please take extra care when making BTEC Tech Award 2022 entries via EDI
It is essential that learner names are identical to those used in the registration file to avoid any delays in processing.
If you do need to update a learner’s name, you should update the registration file before submitting an external assessment entry.
Please also see A2C & EDI/Basedata Information And Support for further information.
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Please follow the step-by-step process shown below to select the required programme and create learner entries on Edexcel Online (EOL):
Important: Once you have made your entries, an amendment file (if changes are required) will overwrite any previously submitted data for the candidate(s) included in the file and replace any previously submitted data.
1. To sign in, please go to; you will be asked to enter your usual Edexcel Online credentials, and once you click sign in, a verification code will be sent to the Pearson Authenticator app.
For further information, including downloading the app to your mobile device and using it to complete the sign-in process. Please see Pearson Portal Authenticator for details.
2. You will then be directed to the EOL home page:

3. Click 'Select Qualification' in the top left corner of the page and then select 'BTEC Tech Awards, Sept22 onwards':

4. From the left side menu, select 'Candidates' and then select 'Add/Withdraw Entries' from the sub-menu:

5. Select the exam session and the programme specification from the drop-down menus and click 'Search' to continue:

6. You will see a list of all the learners who have been registered for the programme. If the candidate has had previous exam entries in the same series you are making entries for, they will already have a 'Candidate Number' assigned to them. If the learner has not previously been entered, you will need to provide a unique 4-digit number in the appropriate box.
Select the correct component from the 'Entry' dropdown box. The option to 'Add' will be selected by default. Click 'Add To List' to continue:

Please note: When you are making entries for BTEC Tech Awards Construction, please be aware of the following additional options:
7. Check the information to ensure that the correct component has been selected and then click 'Submit':

Please note:
For centres requiring the Welsh version of the components(s), please click on the dropdown in the option code column and select W.
For Performing Arts Components 1 and 2 only, use option code C for the general Performing Arts route in Welsh, and option code D for the Production Arts route in Welsh.
Please see BTEC Tech Awards 2022: Qualification & Component Codes for a list of available Welsh units.
For centres entering Performing Arts units, the option code will allow the user to specify option A (for learners studying acting, musical theatre or any multi-disciplinary approach) or option B (for learners studying production design). Options for different component assessments are available depending on which discipline learners are being taught. This will not affect the assessment materials learners respond to; it informs the allocation of specialist moderators.
8. Check that your entry is correct and then select 'Accept':

9. You will see a confirmation message at the top of the page. Click 'Finish' to complete the entries process:

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Please follow the step-by-step process shown below to select the required programme and create learner entries on Edexcel Online (EOL):
Please note: Multiple entries via spreadsheet can only be used for initial entries in the chosen exam series. If the learner already has entries in the series, then amendments must be made via the Individual Entries process or via EDI/A2C.
Important: Once you have made your entries, an amendment file (if changes are required) will overwrite any previously submitted data for the candidate(s) included in the file and replace any previously submitted data.
1. To sign in, please go to; you will be asked to enter your usual Edexcel Online credentials, and once you click sign in, a verification code will be sent to the Pearson Authenticator app.
For further information, including downloading the app to your mobile device and using it to complete the sign-in process. Please see Pearson Portal Authenticator for details.
2. You will then be directed to the EOL home page:

3. Click 'Select Qualification' in the top left corner of the page and then select 'BTEC Tech Awards, Sept22 onwards':

4. From the left side menu, select 'Candidates' and then select 'Multiple Candidate Entries (Spreadsheet Upload)' from the sub-menu:

5. Select the 'Session' and click 'Go' to continue:

6. Click on the 'Template' link at the bottom of the page to download the latest version of the spreadsheet:

7. Complete the following fields in the spreadsheet template. (Please note: If the candidate has had previous exam entries, they will already have a 'Candidate Number' assigned to them. If the learner has not previously been entered, you will need to provide a unique 4-digit number in the appropriate column):
- UCI Number - Required
- Candidate Number - Required
- Firstname - Required
- Lastname - Required
- Gender - Required
- DOB - Required
- Unique Learner Number (ULN) - Optional
- Status - Enter 0 for Centre, 1 for Private and 2 for Guest
- Parent Centre - Not required
- Candidate Number at Parent Centre - Not required
The information provided must match the learner details provided when they were registered for the programme:

8. In column 'K', you should provide the 'Unit Code' as provided in the BTEC section of the Pearson Information Manual or by using the entry code finder on our website.
Leave column 'L' empty (unless Performing Arts or you are delivering a Welsh specification- See the Information Manual linked above for further information about option codes); however, additional columns can be used to create additional entries for the same learner if they have multiple components in the same exam session:

9. Click 'Choose file' and select your completed spreadsheet. Once the filename replaces the words 'No file chosen', click 'Upload' to continue:

10. You will see a confirmation message on the page. These files will be processed by the system as soon as possible. During busy periods, this may take longer than usual:

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1. Log in to Edexcel Online and click 'Select Qualification' in the top left corner of the page and then select 'BTEC Tech Awards, Sept22 onwards':

2. Select 'Tracking' from the left side menu and then 'View Uploaded Entry Spreadsheets' from the sub-menu:

3. Check the 'Notes' column on the far right to check your submission status. As shown below, it will initially show a status of 'Being Processed':

4. Once your file has been published, the status in the notes column will change to show 'Process Completed'. If you see a number matching the quantity of candidates included on your original spreadsheet in the 'Successful' column, this means all your information has been accepted and processed:

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If you see a number in the 'Complete Errors' or 'Incomplete Errors' columns, this means that there was an issue with the information provided for the same quantity of learners. Although the number represents the number of learners that have generated an error, you may find that the individual may have multiple errors associated with it.
For example, you may see a number 1 to show that a single learner has errors, but they may have an incorrect UCI number and an incorrect entry code. This would require 2 fixes to resolve the issue, but your upload will show only a number 1 in the relevant error column.
A 'Complete' error means your spreadsheet contains an error with the learner details. A common error here is 'Duplicate UCI Number Found', which usually means that 2 candidates have been given the same UCI. If there are any further issues with the data for this candidate, such as 'Invalid Specification' which means there is an error with one of the entry codes, this will also be listed here:

An 'Incomplete Error' occurs in cases of multiple learners on a spreadsheet. It usually means that an issue has been found with some of the entry code information provided, but the spreadsheet has also been found to contain correct learner entry information, which has been processed.
Spreadsheet lines that are found to contain errors are ignored by Edexcel Online and flagged within a report you can access by clicking on the number in the appropriate errors column. The report will give you a tab containing your original data and a tab showing the error messages that have been generated.
In the case of errors with entry codes, the most common ones are:
- substituting a zero with the letter O or o
- substituting a number 1 with the letter I or the letter L
- Validation errors – These occur when the information already held in Edexcel Online doesn’t match, such as Name spelling or Date of Birth
If you receive any error messages, the system will provide you with a specific cause:
e.g. “Candidate 000000220003A is not registered in the correct subject area for subject BAC01.”
This means you are trying to make an entry with a code that does not match the available codes in the programme the learner has been registered for.
Entry codes for BTEC Tech Awards 2022 are 3 capital letters starting with a B and then followed by the numbers 01, 02 or 03. Please see the BTEC Section of the Pearson Information manual for further details about BTEC Tech Awards 2022 entry codes, option codes and availability.
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